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How to deal with PE?

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Madam Tracey

Cyclone Langtrees
Staff member
Legend Member
I am assuming you mean Premature Ejaculation?
Try having more sex, try a multiple sex session, maybe a nice thick condom.


Whatever happened to FREE love?
Legend Member
I don't know, Cyclone, looking at the OP's avatar (no, I am not obsessed with avatars) his PE problem could involve physical exercise -- that doggie doesn't look like he wants to go walkies.

But if it is "oh, ooh, oooh, aahhhh", then more sex certainly cured me. I am no longer guaranteed to cum after less than two minutes of slow sensual oral pleasure. To the point I am now more concerned about ED. And I don't mean Explosive Diarrhoea. I guess the more you do it, the more your body and mind become used to it and it isn't an unusually ecstatic experience. Just ecstatic.


Silver Member
There are several ways to deal with this......

1) get professional help. there are certain products that make your penis less sensitive. Keep in mind that the source of your problem might be your brain and not your tool....

2) Have more sex, porn and everything else... There wll be less tension and excitement when it comes to the real deal..

3) Maybe not a very good idea....but 'blue pills' have some side effects. Besides of the boner, it may giv you a little headache, blush and.......delay the eruption...

Google a little bit please....

Stacey J

9473 8962 xx
Silver Member
Um yeah just go to a psychiatrist. I mean, are you trying to sort it out or do you just want to have a winge about it?


Legend Member
I have the opposite problem but I've heard from other guys having the same problem who masturbate before having sex so their first one is out of the way and apparently allows them to last longer. Also having more sex is great advice for either issue as relaxing more would really help, however it generally isn't an option for most guys other wise the sex industry would be selling raffle tickets to survive. Good luck, I hope you can find a solution.


Silver Member
To be honest....Dallas....I know what you are talking about. It takes me like forever to come. Some people might be jealous....but let me tell you....a quicky might easily take 30 mins or longer...:)


Legend Member
I understand what you mean Karl, if im relaxed I'm ok but that only happens if I'm having sex regularly which rarely happens
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