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How much is a cuddle worth?

Madam Tracey

Cyclone Langtrees
Legend Member
What a great idea....however the cost off advertising her service would probably cost more than she would make.
I would make a great professional cuddler even if I do say so myself.


Legend Member
Reading that article, it doesn't surprise me in the least and especially in Australia, someone could run an amazing business here.

I live in a town and literally everyone from late teens onwards is in a relationship, it's just a relationship focused place and worse, couples make friends with couple and families with families etc. Being single totally alienates you from society. People say, enjoy being single, but being single is different from being alone and that's what being single is here.

Dating is pretty much non-existent. When I joined a dating site there was 12 women listed in a 100 km radius who all asked for younger guys and 197 guys that came up when I searched for them. For someone like me who has no close family, partner, kids or friends and lives in a culture where even hugging guys isn't considered normal, then someone like that I would book very regularly. I'd book them for a Friday night movie of their choice on my couch in front of the log fire - drinks and meals supplied. I was actually thinking how I could place an advert asking for someone like that but I think it would be impossible. Maybe I should say, I wish to book Cyclone for an evening of cuddles and I'll rub her feet and cook her dinner :)

I usually just save up the money and cuddle a working lady but it's so damned expensive for a cuddle. Guys don't want sex all the time, it's just a stereotype.

Sir Cruiser

Legend Member
Opportunist :D


This guy will spoon you, $20 for 20 mins. He even promises not to get aroused!

There you go Cruiser;)


Well that proves i was right about being an opportunist :D

Any guy who promises not to get aroused whilst spooning is taking meds or is lying in the hope that the girl will be flattered and get turned on that she will have to mount him ;)


Legend Member
Cuddles R'us? $60/hr, stay in 1 position for 60 minutes...costs more to change position? How bout dry humping for that $. lol

Xavier Jung

As someone who was adopted and therefore never held by my biological mother when I was born, my "craving" for physical touch is stronger then most and so yes, love the cuddle.