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how many friends you have on facebook?


Legend Member
I know I'm a old fart on this site But how many friends do you have who you can ring and talk too or visit It may only be me but I would rather have 5 friends than a 1000 cyber friends (This site excluded of course)


Gold Member
Hey Annaus2012

I only have 150... I have a lot of different interests spread all over the country and facebook allows me to keep in contact with people I would have lost contact with otherwise. I think the term "friend" can be misleading (to some old farts), some "friends" are close friends and family, others have been and may well be again, others are really just work colleagues, facebook is a useful thing.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
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Legend Member
Hehehehe guess I join ranks with happy2 and admit openly of being an old fart when it comes to facebook. Been there - done that and decided it is not my cup of tea. Instead of spending hours on a social online network I rather go out and meet people .......(not to mention the privacy issues that go with sites like facebook)

R.(or another old fart)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Alecia the Foxx

I have 10 friends on Facebook.
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Gold Member
I don't even have a Facebook account. Then again, I don't have many "real" friends either - guess I must be a bit of an antisocial bastard.


in the mid 300's.....but shpuldnt the question be how many talkin sex friends have you got...lol...:)



Full Member
Foundation Member
in the mid 300's.....but shpuldnt the question be how many talkin sex friends have you got...lol...:)


.....precisely!!!! I know of a person who has over 4000 "friends"...what bollocks!! :) I have around 70 and even that can be culled by half.......hmmmm, spring clean out, me thinks :)

Perth boy

I had about 8 friends when the kids set it up for me about two years ago.

These days I got no idea becuase I dont know what the password is and got no intrest in it.

I would rather be on this fourm because I can say what I really want to and no one knows who I am. (Hopefully) I can discuss things with other people that think the same and have the same intrest. SEX


Legend Member
Yes Perth Boy who needs facebook when you have this site
Never heard of members gatecrashing and turning parties violent Nor some of those
horrible bullying stories either
Though Im sure there are many positives to Fbook as well

Farm Boy

Hehehehe guess I join ranks with happy2 and admit openly of being an old fart when it comes to facebook. Been there - done that and decided it is not my cup of tea. Instead of spending hours on a social online network I rather go out and meet people .......(not to mention the privacy issues that go with sites like facebook)

R.(or another old fart)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Meet people? thats what you do all day, think of me all I do is kill weeds and shoo wedges and bloweys of sheep. ( stand back farmer having a whinge )


Legend Member
Farm Boy Think of all the people you dont meet on your piece of Australia
Say your having a party on face book and you will meet more than your fair share
And wish you hadn't


Gold Member
Awesome way to keep in touch with people I served with, who now live all over the country and the world.


Bronze Member
120, mainly family and people i went to school with or used to work with. don't use it as much as other out there, but its a great time killer


Does etiquette still mean you need to have physically met all your FB friends still?


100's of mates on there is just ridiculous and they're pretending to have mates! It's people you care about I'd of thought - friends and family? Around 70 for me:love10:


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
LOl farmboy........weeds and sheep can be better company than people.:love2:
There is only a certain amount of time to spare on the web and I prefer to spend my spare time on the forum.......more fun.
By the way skype is a great way to stay in touch with people.



Does etiquette still mean you need to have physically met all your FB friends still?

Absolutely not. You think the hotties with tits out in suggestive poses with 1000+ friends have met them all!! Just randoms out for an e-perve.

I have 0 friends. Such a loner lol


202 to be precise and I know em all, just alt who haven't seen in years!

T.J. McDon

Thanks to Facebook, this generation may well be one of the first to keep long term contact with their school friends etc.
When I was at school, once you left school it wasn't generally too many years till you moved house, changed a phone number, etc and started to lose contact.
Even once email etc arrived, people changed ISP's, or the ISP's went bust, etc and that contact died out.
But my kids still have friends that left their school years ago to go overseas, who they're still in contact with via FB, and here in the ACT, when you do years 11 and 12, you leave school to go to "College" to do them, and many friends end up in different Colleges due to the specialities they each offer, and yet they are still readily in contact through FB. Short of FB going the way of MySpace, or Bebo, or the like, this generation may well remain in contact for longer than ever before.
Now, whether that's a good thing or a bad thing is another matter all together.

I had added a lot of people just for games, and one woman seemed quite normal and genuine, so we got chatting, but then she told me my phone number and address because she'd looked me up in the whitepages online, that gave me cause to wonder, then she started getting weirder and weirder, and I put more space between us, that made her more strange, and in the end she sent a message to everyone on my facebook friend's list - including my daughters - saying we'd been in an online affair. As I deleted her profile, she'd turn up under other profiles that I'd also added for the game, she had dozens of fake profiles. Took quite a while to be totally rid of her. Now I don't have anyone on FB that I don't personally know, or know at least how and where I know them from if I haven't met them in person. Stupid thing is, if I'd been having an online affair, I'd hardly have done it from my real profile, but it took a fair while to get my kids and friends convinced the woman was nuts. Thankfully she was also in the US, so hopefully she'll not suddenly turn up on my door one day.


400 ish, keep in contact and meet up with probably 300 of them or so .. Perth is really small..


Legend Member
Raider You say Perth is small
You have equal to just under half the entire population
of my shire On your facebook friends list


Silver Member
i have about 250, it used to be close to 300 until i had a bit of a mini-cull. i find it's really good for keeping contact with people i meet in different parts of the world when i'm travelling. often it is the only way i can be contacted at all by my family.