Great question! Have been struggling with a key word of that, “normal”, because for a part of my life I’ve been told (directly and indirectly through societal norms) that my desires were monstrous.
I have ranges, at the higher end I’ll masturbate twice in the morning, at the office, and two or three times in the evenings. The lower range is two or three times a day.
As it happens this week I’ve gone 7 days without masturbating at all, the first 2 days were really hard but now I’m at an acceptable level of craving. In some ways it’s like a drug detox.
Good on you pause. Don’t listen too much to societal norms , it’s all slanted with what the media want you to believe anyway. I once had a partner who masturbated in the office, had his system going and never got caught . Virtual hug for you pause.