• Lots of naked NEW Members on the forum plz add an AVATAR we are adding them if you don't if you don't like change them.

How can we stop all the new "Hi's"?


Legend Member
I have no problem with new people saying hi.
However, given the issues of the last ten days, perhaps there should be a vetting process and probation period in which they prove themselves to be positive contributors.

Yup I agree it seems everything gets clogged up with the first 5 meaningless posts then crickets from most once they have access

the regulars then have to put up with clogged up pages of drivel
It would be a lot cleaner and neater if the hello 1st 5 posts went somewhere else or could be bypassed by longterm contributors

Maybe after the first 5 posts they should have to regularly contribute something meaningful for a period of time to keep the benefits of bronze membership otherwise the place just has more lurkers


Steppin' Out
Legend Member
I think the "hi" or other such posts five times from the same new forum member needs to be tighted up perhaps? Five post replies to existing threads that can be seen and responded to contributes to the forum in a much better way.

Candice Cruz

Diamond Member
New members are required to introduce themselves & send 5 posts to get full access. They are just following the rules but I’ll speak with the boss lady about it today x

one should be an introduction post / where they’re from - what the sex industry is like where they are from, etc / why they jump on the bandwagon to get onto the forum, etc / others perhaps posts about certain topics they know a lot about; or are interested in ??

* just a suggestion

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
The forum makes everyone say hello to get full membership now days it is not optional, old members returning are also forced to go thru the process to get there membership cranking again....


Harlots Mackay
Legend Member
I think the "hi" or other such posts five times from the same new forum member needs to be tighted up perhaps? Five post replies to existing threads that can be seen and responded to contributes to the forum in a much better way.
Not a bad idea... but remember new members have restricted access to what they can see
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Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
I think the "hi" or other such posts five times from the same new forum member needs to be tighted up perhaps? Five post replies to existing threads that can be seen and responded to contributes to the forum in a much better way.
Sabre we did that when everyone had to go thru we are a bit togher now but I still let the older members thru


Diamond Member
Just visited the "New Posts" page. There were 26 threads at the top of the list. All were bumped by @pause78 in a 10 minute timespan. Personally I think this is spam. It adds no value to the conversation. Just some employee of Langtrees posting the same generic 'welcome' comment in a bunch of old threads.

Why can't these posts be excluded from the "New Posts" page? For those who want to welcome new posters, they can access the "Start Here Say hello to Activate your Membership" forum. The rest of us should not be subjected to this spam every time we log in.


Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Just visited the "New Posts" page. There were 26 threads at the top of the list. All were bumped by @pause78 in a 10 minute timespan. Personally I think this is spam. It adds no value to the conversation. Just some employee of Langtrees posting the same generic 'welcome' comment in a bunch of old threads.

Why can't these posts be excluded from the "New Posts" page? For those who want to welcome new posters, they can access the "Start Here Say hello to Activate your Membership" forum. The rest of us should not be subjected to this spam every time we log in.
Pause is not a employee of Langtrees if he wants to welcome the newbies its cool with me


Some Village lost an Idiot!
Legend Member
It must be nice for new members to receive welcome messages from staff & other members... actually makes them feel... well welcome 😀

Hmmm who woulda thoughted that ... Really saying hi is well being nice and friendly... you know like everyone's 1st post on here. It nerve wracking to come into here and say Hi, you may much it up and say High, or even Hello Members, or even Hello everyone, but Hi now thats difficult..


Diamond Member
She’s an escort at Langtrees Canberra. I’m not going to discourage her from welcoming new members.
That's fine. Just stop these threads from appearing in the "New Posts" area and it won't be an issue. At the moment it's making catching up on new threads very difficult. Could you please get your Forum Admin to look into this?


Legend Member
She’s an escort at Langtrees Canberra. I’m not going to discourage her from welcoming new members.
Personally I like the fact that the Langtrees Ladies take the time to stop by and say hello to new members.

I remember when I first joined it made me feel welcomed when I intereracted with some of them.

The fact that more members are joining is a good sign that the forum is becoming more interesting rather than having a heap of lurkers.

The site is free because Langtrees sponsor it and I know @Mrs Langtrees
encourages them to join in.

I find some of the best threads on here involve some of the Langtrees Ladies.

I agree that some days there are a lot of Welcomes and Hi's but I just skip over them if there are too many and skim to a thread that interests me.

Hopefully the new members hang around after their initial posts and contribute to the forum with information sharing and opinions.

I dont agree with some of the opinions on here but everyone is entitled to express them as long as it is within the rules of the forum.

High Horse Dismounted!