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Health Checks How Good


Gold Member
Many ladies have regular health checks and let that be known.
This is good and perhaps their clients should do the same.
I have often wondered how this health certificate thing works.

If a Lady was to test Positive does the Health Department (Which ever division looks after these things) get informed.
Does the Lady then get ordered to stop work.
Will her clients then get contacted by the Health Department.
We know that well organised Ladies keep customer numbers and asign a particular ring tones to the Time Wasters.
Whill the client just get a call out of the blue. That could be embarrassing.

My concern is the Fly in Fly out Asians. How are they controlled, if at all.
They seem to be a high Risk situation to get involved with.

Any information on how this all works.


Foundation Member
My guess is that the better houses would not allow a girl to work unless she was checked out and found "clean" regularly.

I agree with Whilom that the dodgier places (Ie all-Asian fast turnover houses) and some privates may well ignore the risks and rely on condoms to avoid passing on nasties.

Another good reason to punt upmarket.


Gold Member
Everyone except Svengali asleep at the wheel?

Not a peep from MA. I am Surprised.

Farm Boy

Some private Lady's advise on there web sight Health certificate available, can not see how this works , with out giving away her true Identification. My reasoning is a genuine health certificate if such a thing exists with out true I. D . does not mean a thing.

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
Sorry only one person nd only 24 hours in each day.
I am not honestly sure what most other madams are doing now days. i can tell you what i did and what I will be doing when i return to langtrees in October.
I ask the Ladies to produce a health certificate every two months. If they do not produce by a certain date i withdraw the right too reservations. (shifts)
Health Department recommend three monthly testing... I ask for two monthly so i know the service provider has visited a Doctor and therfore had the opp to discuss all issues with a fully trained health professional.
40% were regular as clockwork, 40% needed one reminder and 20% of those that worked with me needed my baseball bat to attend.
The ladies only had to produce a certificate they had attended for STI check. They did not have to produce results as health issues are private between a patient and doctor.
I found the ladies to be very upfront with me most times on health issues, and very few had problems, the few that did rarely caught anything from the clients but in their personal lifes.
As all ladies use condoms for penetrative sex, the likely hood of infection transfer is very minimal.
I remember a Victorian Study from 25 years ago with 100 sex workers 100 nurses and 100 university students.
University students were 10 times more likely to have had a STI than sex workers and nurses were 50 times more likely to have a STI than sex workers.
This was 25 years ago and the figures would be much lower today as the general community are much more likely to use a condom for casual sex.
Hope this helps all i have time for at the moment....next time post in the Ask Mary-Anne Board and I will reply more promptly.

Farm Boy

Were exactly do you get these certificate Maryanne, and can the average punter get one . I believe the stranded answer to any body inquiring about health cerificate's in a brothel is HAVE YOU GOT ONE SONNY. and this is the end of that.


Gold Member
Just a gentle stir MA not a Criticism. I was just surprised you are usually back in a flash.

In a recent discussion on this topic it was mentioned that someone had received a call from Dept Health advising that their phone number had been supplied by a WL and they could have been exposed to an STI. Subsequent tests were booked and carried out and all was OK.
I was just wondering if this was the norm and who actually drives the ship.
I'd hate to get a call and my partner intercept it. (Deep Deep Shizen).


The Whilom