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Head and Shoulders Photo's Only: Advertising Laws in Victoria


Exclusive Private Escort
Foundation Member
Hey Miranda

Your avatar here clearly shows more that head and shoulders..and you had the gall to report other ladies in Victoria for having same..pot calling the kettle black dont you think?????


Miranda Fox

Laws are .......
Seems ok for every State to show their all, except Victoria we have to be prim n proper wit head n shoulder photos only, that includes in avatars Ladies.

Have asked a Moderator for help....


Exclusive Private Escort
Foundation Member
So why then does your avatar clearly show more than as you say the required head and shoulders???? You cant have it both ways Miranda - dobbing in other privates to the Justice Dept and then using a avatar that shows your chest.....


You cant have it both ways Miranda - dobbing in other privates to the Justice Dept and then using a avatar that shows your chest.....

Hmmm that is poor form on your behalf if you are doing this Miranda (and knowing Amy, she wouldn't make this kind of thing up). Surely a better way to go about things would be to educate those Victorian ladies about the laws and what can and can't be shown in photos/avatars whatever. Wouldn't you agree? Failing that maybe an email sent to the webmasters or webmistresses of the sites that those ladies advertise on? The industry is catty and bitchy enough as it is without you going out of your way to try and get ladies into trouble. As someone who has been in the industry for a number of years now, I think you should be passing on your knowledge to those who are more recent entrants for the good of the industry in Victoria.

Thus endeth the rant of sorts

Miranda Fox

The ladies all know too well that in Vic whether it is an avatar or photo anywhere, it is to be of head n shoulders only.

They were showing more, and in another forum they are still showing their boobs, Vic ladies.

Amy did not have to post that dobbing post above.
I rang him, Amy emailed him and Jayde from Syd also rang him too.

We were all told the same .....

In Victoria any Photo of You the lady advertising
it is illegal if it shows more than ...head n shoulders.

So many sites have photos of Vic ladies going way below the shoulders, showing more than they should.

Follow the rules, and they can see more of You when they Book time with you.


The ladies all know too well that in Vic whether it is an avatar or photo anywhere, it is to be of head n shoulders only.
Well maybe they don't. If they are new to the industry and/or new to private work they may not be aware of this and need guidance in this area. Guidance that ideally the webmaster of that site would give but since he doesn't then a fellow worker could pass that info on to them.

They were showing more, and in another forum they are still showing their boobs, Vic ladies.
Yes I am well aware of that.

Amy did not have to post that dobbing post above.
I rang him, Amy emailed him and Jayde from Syd also rang him too.
I think Amy's post is more to do with your double standards actually. Your avatar is more than just head and shoulders......... oh plus dobbing girls into the authorities..... not cool.

In Victoria any Photo of You the lady advertising
it is illegal if it shows more than ...head n shoulders.

So many sites have photos of Vic ladies going way below the shoulders, showing more than they should.

Do this

Surely a better way to go about things would be to educate those Victorian ladies about the laws and what can and can't be shown in photos/avatars whatever.

Send these ladies PM's and/or emails letting them know that what they are doing is in breach of victorian laws and that there is a chance that they will get in trouble if they are caught out. You dobbing these girls in is just schoolyard stuff and will ultimately do your reputation no good.
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Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
Langtrees.com has a solution for the Victorian Ladies

One of the features the new Langtrees.com has will help the Victorian Ladies.
We have a privacy email and text options for ladies to hide two full lenghth photos on their profile.
A registered member can request these photos via email or text. They will be sent out automatically with a email going to the advetiser that member so and so has requested the photos.
Up until now Victorian workers have been very disadvantaged using the web as a advertising tool.
This new feature is with in the laws of Victoria as the photos must be requested to be viewed.
This feature will not go live when we launch later this week, but is in testing and planned for the 12th December.
It will also be very helpful to many other state ladies, that do not want there photos on the world wide web, but are prepared to allow access to geniune advertisers.


This sounds like a very good feature Mary-Ann and as to the discussion re pics, I feel Miranda is right, rules are rules and all should follow them as it is unfair on the people that do the right thing. As for new comers well they should check up on the state requirments before they enter the industry as it protects themselves. Having said that it all boils down to being a business and if you do the right thing no one can report or dob you in. This new feature will make this discussion obsolete so lets get on with booking these ladies and enjoying what they have to offer.


Professional 7 ..Here to Enjoy !
Silver Member
Just want to say that it has been extremely intersting reading though all the reviews . Great to see many Victorians contribute .

As usual however , how is this legislation ? face , head / shoulders only ..how ridiculos , the police state , we really as Victorians should be getting all this nonsense changed ..Utter crap . But no votes in changing , there are a few things that really Piss me off about Melbourne ..the nanny state stuff , is one of them ...
Read one time ( the your pleasure ) the actual legislation regarding licensed strip clubs , if that was adhered to , all clubs would be shut..
And thats exactly what " they " want ..What an absolute Joke .