HP I had 1 very similar but the email was worded differently and it was from my bank ( so I thought ) as it was set out the same . the next day I noticed $500 missing from my account , so I checked on who and where the money went to . I noticed a new send to account attached to my statement , I then clicked on the link and it was no one I new so I printed out the details , then I phoned the bank to enquire , I mentioned what had happened and I was then transferred to the security dept with-in the bank and they then froze my account until further notice , I reported this to the police as requested by the bank . 2 weeks later the money was found in an account in Mt Isa and the account holders new nothing on what had happened .
me thinks the Nigerians strike again lol
the bank refunded my the money in full and we now have an additional security system
all good in the end
these people in Mt Isa was charged with 4 other cases and had to repay all the money .