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Girls,what size do you want it to be so your satisfied...



hi everyone, i've read a thread about the size of penis and what size do men and women want. is there a such thing as 'too big/long'? 'coz its like guys like it to be the longer the better, so girls/guys are welcome to reply what u think of the size, what size do you think is suitable for you?


Hiya! If as you say you've read the threads about this question ,then most of your answers are already there!? But hey if you'd like more!:read2: I'm pretty average and am more than happy with what I've got,It works(WELL!)and I try to keep it happy!:angel12: Yes! there is a thing as TOO long!It's a bit like the theory on Boobs! Big IS nice,BUT, any more than a mouthful is just window dressing!!:wave:


penis size

Ditto there Oscar would have to agree with you.... on there is such a thing as being too long give me average anyday an what do you call average I would say 7in although its not something I think about when I am with a guy would rather the QUALITY hell there is a lot more to it than the penis. Glad you are happy with what you have Oscar a lot of guys are'nt you quite often hear I have only got a small C*** same as women when they refer to there boobs. Well I am happy with mine LOL and if noone else is well they go elsewhere LOL.


Size or Use???

It's not the size that matters...It's how you use it...Hee Hee...


Member Forever
Foundation Member
Size does matter!
I know that there are more than a few nay sayers jumping up to argue that statement but bear with me.
Size matters in the mind of the owner.
The first penis that I ever saw belonged to the man who eventually became my husband and I will say to this day it is still one of the biggest Ive ever seen.
As I had never seen another to compare it to I figured that his size was the norm.
Unfortunatly the second penis I ever saw was well average (6inches). When the guy told me it wasnt going to get any bigger my reaction was to laugh not with malice just surprise, it just seemed so tiny comparatively.
Well needless to say the guy wasnt really happy and although I appologised and tryed to explain, that relationship was never consumated and quickly died.
Years later I became very good friends with the wife of this guy.
During a d&m over coffee one day she told me that she was going to leave her husband. Their sex life was non existent and she couldnt stand it anymore.
When I asked her why, she told me that he wouldnt have sex with her as he had a massive complex over the size of his penis.
She confided that a girl he went with in his teens had laughed at the size of his penis (I never told her it was me) and although he had always been quite proud of his size beforehand he started to question that confidence.
Then he not only worried about his size but whether or not he could satisfy a woman with such a 'small penis'.
Finally his insecurity built up over years to the point where he wouldnt have sex with her or even let her touch or see his penis.
The sad thing she said is that he really did have a lovely sized cock and on a few occasions when he had had a bit of 'dutch courage' and his confidence was up he had been a fantastic lover.
No matter how much she reasured him it was all to no avail.
Their marriage did eventually break up. He went on to have multiple plastic surgeries in an attempt to enlarge his penis until the point where it is so deformed and misshapen that sex is not possible even if he could find a woman that would go near the thing.
Ok so back to the size mattering well size did matter.. to him alone.
If he had only of realised that his penis was the perfect size and was created to fit him, perfectly.
Sex is never about the size of the genitals. The only organ that really matters is the mind.
Somewhere is somone or several someones if we are lucky, who is a perfect fit with you and will complete your puzzle. In the meantime confidence in yourself makes any man a giant.


Hi Barbie,
I have to say i totally agree with you. As a guy with a so called average sized piece of equipment, i have always been happy with it amd have never had any complaints and wouldnt change it for the world. Neither would my wife.

I guess it just depends on how confident you feel about yourself and wether you are a confident individual. Sex is very dependant on confidence dont you think?


Bad Bobby

Bad Bobby
Foundation Member
With out repeating all what has been said I agree and so does Kath in that its how you put it to good use. Me, just a little over average I have been told but to me it the same as everyone else’s. I love to give her the pleasure with how, when, where and good control has worked for me. Love to use it to make her happy plus a plenty of oral to mix things up a bit. Just enjoy what you got. Bob :3some:


I cant say size doesnt matter, coz lets face when you get a guy that you need xxs condoms for, it doesnt matter how good anything else he does you cant help but wish it was bigger!


Not to worry tiny tim

I really hope that this does not sound like i am bragging. I actually have a humungus penis in fact sometimes when i get a hard on all the blood rushes out of my face and i feel faint so i have to go into it gently. The point is it turns off a lot of women cos they get kinda frightened of it. You really have to warm the females up and you just cannot have a quick one. That is in fact the main reason why my wife left me the penis was just to frikin big. So all you blokes out there with problems with you dik just remember me i wish mine was a touch smaller be thankful of what you got not what you could have.Also i cannot wear tight jeans or dick bathers cos it looks like i got a full hard on the whole time.

FYI penis reduction is within the region of Twenty thousand dollars.Hey you need a bit to play with to justify that.


Foundation Member
hi all

well im my case never had any complains ;D YAH
if all the girls dont mind ..... what do they define as average
im 6 and a half to 7" ( never really measured it so not to sure just what they guesed it to be lol ) would that be average ..... below average or above ??
only woundering because the Australian average is 7" to 7 and a half.

Carey Rae

well it's not the size I think that counts, just as long as you know where the clitoris is, I think that helps.


Full Member
Foundation Member
....memo to self..."Stop reading this thread.....it's making me depressed!"....and they say God doesn't have a sense of humour.....:)

Stumpy :)


give an inch

So what is the average penis size for the Australian male? Mine is nine and a half inches long and really thick. I think that the thickness is the problem not so much the lenth . I have heard some of the really big ones are almost twelve inches fact or fiction?


7 in

I would say the average is about 7ins thats pretty much the norm its not something I take a lot of notice of actually...Well only if it is out of the norm so scarface your well above average LOL I reckon women would have a prob there getting into their mouths LOL would end up with lock jaw pardon the pun...


lock jaw

Yeah Dee Dee your right i havent had a good blow job for years . It turns them right off. I need a women with a big big mouth i was going to futher comment on that but i do not want to be labeled sexest.That also goes for sex thing, I used to hunt for really big women when i was out and about thinking that they would be big down below, but actually what i found out was some of the biggest women were the tightest and the more petite looser.Work that one out.


have heard that before

yes have heard that before about bigger women and smaller women but all things considered after all us women do have babies and there if a fair amount of stretch there for us to push them out LOL how could one forget child birth.


yeah it would have to be the most painful thing in the world pushing out a kid. I suppose i can only equate it to being really really constipated and trying to push out a hard hard log ten times bigger than it should be . Please excuse the crudeness.

I hope this does not sound sick but pregnant women really turn me on around 4-5 month's pregnant. And they are so horny too once there over there morning sickness, i wonder why that is the case?



You got that right bloody painful LOL altho some women breeze thru child birth I didn't maybe thats why I only ever had the one.... Hormones go a bit crazy when you are pregnant maybe that has something to do with it.


naughtybuttnice said:
It's not the size that matters...It's how you use it...Hee Hee...

Yep...a guy with a small dick that knows how to please a woman is better than one that is well hung & is only interested in his own pleasure


hmm have to say this subject really plays tricks on a lot of blokes, you have to be happy with what you have is all i can say but just Q for the girls, have you ever notice the size of the sword to the size of the owner, i know the answer to this but just woundering what you girls thought lol, i'll update this after a few more threads.
cheers tigs "ROAR"


Foundation Member

is there a correlatoin between the size of fingers.. or feet ... or nose..etc
or is it totally opposite. small hammer..big nail
i have small hands, fingers whatever. but hmmmm let you guess the rest



yup i have a pretty big nose been crunched a few times, bar room bralls when i was younger.Got slashed once hence the Scar, but i tell ya the other b..........d he will never hurt anyone again.Well that was years ago.Good dude now...only rob the odd bank (joke) now.


I Agree With Naughty But Nice, There Are Advantages To Both, Small Men Tend To Try Harder,i Love Both For Different Reasons....but A Man Doesn't Get Into My Bed These Days Unless The Package It Comes With Is Good...body Mind And Soul...and Not Necessarily In That Order Either


Worldwide - About 3% of penises are less than 5 inches, and 3% are over 7.5 inches . about 95% of men are between 5.8 and 6.2 inches.

and hello btw..


I was going to say the same thing Evoken except I think the maths needs a bit of brushing up!

There are -1% of men with penises between 6.2 and 7.5 and 5 and 5.8 inches!!!

I can make my wife cum during intercourse and it's 'average' according to your figures (which I do agree with) so I'm very happy!

It's those damn porn movies and seeing those women loving it that gets men all paranoid I tell you!


:icon_scra Got a bit (sic!) of a question for the "measureers" LOL!
Do You prefer to use a rigid ruler or a flexi-tape measure?
Do you measure it in inches or centimeters or millimeters?:hello:
I notice most always come up with an inches(to the last decimal point lol!) measurement.Is his because inches sounds bigger, lol!:la: :wav:


Member Forever
Foundation Member
Matching Meat

tigerhunt said:
hmm have to say this subject really plays tricks on a lot of blokes, you have to be happy with what you have is all i can say but just Q for the girls, have you ever notice the size of the sword to the size of the owner, i know the answer to this but just woundering what you girls thought lol, i'll update this after a few more threads.
cheers tigs "ROAR"

Ive found that guys tend to match their meat as a rule but I have once or twice been surprised. I hooked up with this jockey once and I actually fell oveer when he pulled out a cock that most guys would kill to have he looked like he had three legs



A few things occur to me on this thread!
1. I have a bashful bladder - I have great difficulty p ee ing in front of strangers (even friends) but I have no trouble with having sex in front of strangers! Why is it so?
2. Women have a "spatial distance" problem because all their lives they've been told that 4 inches is actually six! hehe! :tongue3:
3. A man with a small penis was once challenged by an unfeeling girl with " haha! who are you going to satisfy with that?" To which he replied (after going down on her and driving her wild) "Me!"
The moral of this story is - If your satisfaction depends on the size of someone's genitals, then your biggest sexual organ (your mind) is not in the right place..:3some:


Oscar said:
:icon_scra Got a bit (sic!) of a question for the "measureers" LOL!
Do You prefer to use a rigid ruler or a flexi-tape measure?
Do you measure it in inches or centimeters or millimeters?:hello:
I notice most always come up with an inches(to the last decimal point lol!) measurement.Is his because inches sounds bigger, lol!:la: :wav:
It occurs to me that I heard a story about a man in a pub who couldn't pay his bill.
Paddy said to the publican "if my dick's longer than that cat's tail" (pointing to a cat in the corner, obviously) "then can my bill be waived?"
The publican replied "sure!" and proceeded to measure the cat's tail.
The verdict came back - a creditable 10 inches!

The publican then measured Paddy's dick, and found him wanting by a couple of inches.

Paddy then asked " from where did you measure the cat's tail?", and the publican replied "why, from his ring to the tip of his tail, of course!"

To which Paddy responded, "Well, Sir! Kindly offer me the same consideration!"