
I don't normally post on forums this is my first time doing so too. I am seriously considering coming to Langtrees to lose my virginity. I am self conscious and inexperienced with the opposite sex, and I am starting to get frustrated and so I am finally going to take the plunge. I just have some questions,

1. any advice on condoms would be helpful and whether or not Langtrees has them for sale there or if there is a use Langtrees only condoms policy. I want to be prepared I am very cautious.

2. How does the lounge work, I read on another thread that you pay for how long you want (which wont be long being a virgin and all, most likely the $250 30min) and you go into a lounge where there is a TV and pool table and approach the W/Ladies there. I am wondering whether or not time you pay for is used up in that lounge too?

finally What do you W/ladies think about virgins coming in is it awkward?, do you get annoyed with inexperienced clients?

Any advice will be encouraging and set my mind at ease before entering so I am not a nervous bumbling wreck



Gold Member
Mike, Good evening.

Obviously, there are so many avenues on how you can approach this; considering that you are new to this. But at the very least, if this is indeed what you're after you're at least in the better and safer environment than when I actually first decided to go at it myself (whilst during a holiday in KL, late 2009. Wasn't successful at all but I learned a lot since then). A lot seemed and felt so negative to me but once I got past that it every punting / experience from there on becomes a stepping stone/ learning experience.

To make things easier let's go through this one section at a time. #1 - overview & #2 - Answers to your questions.


In this life, there are options.

No, I'm not trying to preach anything here at all but rather, I'm providing you an alternative set of views that you may or may not be aware of.

You're young at 22 at the moment which I believe that these what I'm about to discuss may carry some things as important food for thought.

Why? because simply one thing if I have to cut to the bottom line - Langtrees as Perth's highest-end establishment - expects a significant, physically,mentally and financially prepared mindset of such a client who are willing to be the best prepared at themselves first for a guaranteed exceptional time & experience. And therefore that in my opinion - should only be reserved once you are at your best state of "confidence".

30 Minutes may not be considered "enough"

So what am I getting at here? It's simply to do with the cost and time involved. $250 for 30 mins for your first ever sexual experience? I'm not saying don't go at all, but I would seriously ask myself whether 30 mins is "enough" to be worthwhile of that first ever experience.
30 Minutes goes very, very quick. Trust me on this, the shorter timeframe you allow yourself to have a good time, the more that you will subconciously expect MORE out of it in such a short time frame in return. And chances are, you will build up unrealistic expectations around this. And chances are in return, those expectations WILL NOT happen. I guarantee it. But at the end, it's your money after all that is the bottom factor.

From your description that you have written about yourself (based on keywords you've wrote in which I won't rewrite them) - don't always assume that having a vaginal intercourse (aka in terms of Full Service, be sure to first know the abbreviations that the industry use!) is the only one and be end all of achieving your goal.

When I first started punting, I used to think of it that way. But boy I was mistaken as from that moment in 2009 with the W/L she showed and told me so many "issues", both physical and mental wise; that boy was I not prepared for it at all. Nervousness. ED. Tight Foreskins. Curvature. You name it. I've been through them.

The key to this is to realise what options you have, consider them and to learn the industry abbreviations while you're at it.

Your two avenues to first consider

So enough me rambling here are my two alternative avenues for you to keep in mind -

# One. Scout and visit other establishments. DON'T make a booking until you are deadset confident. When I first started visiting any of three well regarded caucasian establishments (Esquires, Casey's and City West) I would ask questions to fullfill enough of my own curiosity. DO NOT think of this as though you feel intrusive.

In fact, you show maturity, initiative and courtesy by first proving them that you indeed are. Again learning and curiosity experiences first AND THEN make your booking with whichever establishments you feel confident. You can also ask to see which ladies are available at that establishment for a quick intro if you wish just ask the madam beforehand just in case.

# Two. Explore other intimate service possibilities. Assuming that you're after straight full service (vaginal sex) for your first sexual experience? There are options beforehand to ease your nervous tension. Almost any W/L would be happy to provide sensual massages with mutual touching, cuddling, kissing (though some don't it doesn't hurt to ask) and hand relief / assisted masturbation. And this can go for the entire session comfortably and happily.

Answers to your questions

Now to answer your questions.

1. any advice on condoms would be helpful and whether or not Langtrees has them for sale there or if there is a use Langtrees only condoms policy. I want to be prepared I am very cautious.
1. This is an interesting topic. I have on some occasions used my own reservoir (namely the thin / Zero's and Sylk ones) without any issues from any W/Ls from other well regarded establishments. Just make sure it is well before the expiry and sealed well. I am yet to encounter W/L who's allergic to the Sylk's thin condoms. Unless if there is a very stringent policy @ LT that I am not aware of - I think this is up to you.

Thus, I no longer bring my own. However, on the plus side if you happen to have brought two or three extras I'd say why not in giving an extra away for the lady to keep. From my experience all of the W/Ls I've met were very happy with me handing out those thins and Zero''s that I don't need. Because think about it - where else are you getting your legitimate sex anyway?

2. How does the lounge work, I read on another thread that you pay for how long you want (which wont be long being a virgin and all, most likely the $250 30min) and you go into a lounge where there is a TV and pool table and approach the W/Ladies there. I am wondering whether or not time you pay for is used up in that lounge too?

So far I have only been to Langtrees four times (again due to reason #1 - cost & investment) as I'm writing this - basically all scenarios start all the way from you in approaching the reception, then either one of the many ladies will escort you to a spare seat to have a chat, have a coffee, tea or drink.

….Or you will have to manually approach them in person. You will then only be asked to pay at reception once you've decided that the lady you've spoken to is the one you wish to make a booking.

What time limit you may ask during the lounge chat? Well, of course this will vary to whoever's involved but with this in mind you may need to use your own judgment. If you have happen to have already chatted sufficiently enough with one lady and if she is not to your liking, then politely and gently thank her for her time and ask to see the other ladies for another chat, if they're available.

There was an earlier thread in here that talks about how it is possible for a W/L on roster to be entirely dwindled in a chat for up to AN HOUR with a client in the front lounge. Do not be that guy. He's using up too much of that lady's time. And that was even before the actual booking where you then have to pay for the length of time you wish to go for.

Yes, it is true that introductions are NOT always automatic in Langtrees (again, this is why you need to check out other establishments FIRST so that you are aware of how these introductions work and how they differ from others). In LT, at times you need to manually walk up to the lady, and start a conversation. Sometimes it works. Sometimes at worst case scenario it's just embarrassing.

Now I'm not the most perfect conversationalist starter myself, so if you are already nervous enough in approaching one of the many ladies, then I'd recommend you check out other establishments BEFORE hand.

Your very first punt / experience will be a significant one that provides you so many discoveries and this will stick with you for a long time. So it makes sense that you should first give in some days to yourself and build yourself awareness and understanding first before hand.

Only once you are confident, sail forward when ready. Hope these helps.
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