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Silver Member
Got together with my first girlfriend at 15, married her at 19, loved her for 23 years and lost her to cancer 2 years ago. So....sort of romantic.....sort of a downer to the thread - sorry! That being said, a week before she died she told be ā€œdude, make sure you get laid more once Iā€™m gone, and make as many people feel uncomfortable as you possibly can....oh, and tell them we met in jailā€ (we didnā€™t but she was funny as fuck :)


Silver Member
Woah thats a story. Dont think Ill ever find love like that. Hope you can find someone like that again and have love in your life once more

I doubt very highly Iā€™ll ever have that again, but thatā€™s ok! I had well over 20 year of fun, laughter, love, light and extreme happiness and thatā€™s way more than most people get I a lifetime! It doesnā€™t stop there either! Iā€™ve got my amazing kids to remind me of her and, being a single dad, I get to have a new sort of fun as well! Working at the same time is a touch challenging, but bloody hell is it worth it :)

Col Thims

Silver Member
Why is it that your first real love you had is the one that through your lifetime you look back on so fondly.
I was going to the gym today and a girl I went out with in high school for nearly 3 years popped into my head my first real love.
Anyway was a nice feeling I felt such warmth even now after 40 years crazy isn't it.


Gold Member
I still talk to my first love, my wife meet her many years ago and we're still good friends after approximately 20yrs apart, just on other sides of the country. When I was going through the blue mountains last year my wife and I even discussed going to see her.


Diamond Member
Grade 6 and the pretty girl down the street (also Grade 6) offered to show me her what was inside her pants.
So, outdoors in the long grass, I lay down on the ground, she stood over me and dropped them, and I got to see what girls had.
That's about as hot as it got for an eleven year old (and for at least 7 years after)

She went to live somewhere else a couple of years later. Wish I knew where.


Legend Member
Grade 6 and the pretty girl down the street (also Grade 6) offered to show me her what was inside her pants.
So, outdoors in the long grass, I lay down on the ground, she stood over me and dropped them, and I got to see what girls had.
That's about as hot as it got for an eleven year old (and for at least 7 years after)
She went to live somewhere else a couple of years later. Wish I knew where.

Ahhh, the old "you show me yours, I'll show you mine".

So I showed mine, and she said:
"That's nothing, I've got one of these, and with it I can get as many of them as I want".