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First experience


Silver Member
Mine was after i saw some stories on wechat and was just too tempted by the pictures so i caved and booked a session. needless to say didnt last too long lol!

RandiiSavage Deleted

Langtrees in Vic Park, first experience with a WL, I remember sitting in the car and waiting for every single car to pass before I dashed into the place heart thumping like crazy haha...chose a lovely young brunette with a great little body and if memory serves me right i paid quite abit like possibly 300 for an hour with jacuzzi (year 2000-01). They used to have these jacuzzi tubs in some rooms where you can relax with the lady and soap each other up. Also remember her bringing out a big black dildo and asked if I wanted it used on me??!! Biggest WTF moment me reckons haha...
Ahh the memories....
Randii u silly old goat...lol


Silver Member
Mine was Kings Cross in my first trip interstate in my early 20s. After walking around the main street for ages I found a slim lady in black. Up to her room and after lots of lube on her hands she gave a hand job and I was done before any real sex. Got her money easily and I learnt hooker lesson No 1.