One thing I would like to say is a big sorry to all you horny buggers.
As you know, I have been on holidays for the past week or so, so when I cum back,
it been a crazy busy few days.
So, I must say sorry if I had to go out and attend customers when they come in and deal with messages.
I think most of you all know what I'm like, I try 100% to make everyone happy, But sometimes I can't.
I would love to have a receptionist at both locations, But as you know it does cost much to have one full time.
So, between all the girls, we try to manage it as best as we can, especially during the busy times.
During the quiet times (like today) We just don't have enough jobs to pay for a receptionist.. So what can we do!
I do a lot of work in advertising and talking to all you guys in hope to get more busy, and hire a receptionist...
But for the moment, especially come into winter, It can get quiet.
I know we have talked about this previously, so please understand.
And maybe you now know why some other shops charge a lot more, as they have a receptionist....