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Facing extinction...


Legend Member
Seems it`s not only animals these days that are facing extinction, I guess it`s a sign of the times but there are a lot more things that we used to be able to see, do , use that nobody ever does anymore...

When was the last time you used a pay phone?

When was the last time you were able to rent a video not a dvd?

When was the last time you went to a service station that wasn`t self service? (wouldn`t this help avoid drive offs?)

Anybody else want to help add to the list?


Some things are better extinct :p

Video shops in general will soon be non existent. Especially once the NBN comes through and everyone has decent Internet speeds

Jurien bay BP still fuels your car for you.


Full Member
Foundation Member
When was the last time you....

.....bought milk in a bottle?

.....wrote a letter to a family member or friend?

.....used travellers cheques when on holidays?


Alecia the Foxx

We still have pay phones here, and service stations that are not self-service.

Abbi May

I honestly cannot remember a lot of those things. I drive an older car, wear vintage clothing and jewellery and hate technology. This world we are living in is so fast paced and ruthless, so i try to think about the things that havent changed in all the years when everything else has...

Levi's are the best investment jean on the planet
Kids always play on the swings at the park
Sharks are hungry and will eat you if you get too close
Australia has the best of everything to offer if you open your eyes!

xo abbi

Tania Admin

When was the last time you....

.....bought milk in a bottle?

.....wrote a letter to a family member or friend?

.....used travellers cheques when on holidays?


Being a country girl I am still privy to buying milk in a bottle still,,full cream milk, with thick cream on top,, so yum,,It's an Avon Valley product...
As far as the new games go, I'm still stuck at PacMan lol


Legend Member
When was the last time you used an old pc so darn old, you need those really huge floppy disks just to start it up?
And took half an hour to load a game on a monochrome monitor (one colour - green or orange)?
When was the last time you make a phone call on your mobile, and it is a whole suitcase you have to carry?
When was the last time you drive on the freeway during peak hour and there wasn't a jam?


Legend Member
When was the last time you....

.....bought milk in a bottle?

.....wrote a letter to a family member or friend?

.....used travellers cheques when on holidays?

It seems Mr Fudd 2 of your endangered critters are still battling on

Talysha loves the bottled milk And a couple of farmers up here provide it for locals
I wrote a letter to a great Aunt. Not by choice I admit. She just eschews technology

As for travellers cheques Well good riddance Far as I am concerned

As for what should become extinct? Indian Telemarketers

Farm Boy

When I was a pre school-err 1950ts many cars dragged a length of chain or rubber strap , Mum told me people thought it prevented car sickness Dad said it was silly.


Legend Member
When I was a pre school-err 1950ts many cars dragged a length of chain or rubber strap , Mum told me people thought it prevented car sickness Dad said it was silly.

It may well have been psychomatic FB But many people swear to its effectiveness for travel sickness


Legend Member
Older cars though I must admit FB

And beer stubbies that are 375ml They seem to get smaller and smaller I guess they will be so small soon we will think there extinct


Diamond Member
Various plants and animals face extinction or have become extinct as a direct result of climate changes and the devastating impact of human activity. Poachers in Africa have almost wiped out Lions, Tigers and Elephants, etc.

Human Technology is regularly upgraded and supersedes previous technology. Extinction is a direct result of Darwinism: survival of the strongest and fittest.


Gold Member
Human Technology is more driven by marketing than good design, however. Very few people would argue that successive versions of Windows have always been better than the ones that came before.

Same with the new iPads. When even HD movies only get to 1080 resolution, why do you need an iPad that can do 50% higher resolution than that? Marketing and desperate need to drain money from the Apple consumers before they realise that with Jobs gone, the innovation is dead.

It's not always Darwinism that wins (esp. in Tech).

Farm Boy

Various plants and animals face extinction or have become extinct as a direct result of climate changes and the devastating impact of human activity. Poachers in Africa have almost wiped out Lions, Tigers and Elephants, etc.

Human Technology is regularly upgraded and supersedes previous technology. Extinction is a direct result of Darwinism: survival of the strongest and fittest.

'Extinction is a direct result of Darwinism: ' If that is the case easy fixed , just burn all his books and rewrite his theory


As for what should become extinct? Indian Telemarketers[/QUOTE]

If that were to ever happen it would not be soon enough!


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
what about black and white TV?
black boards and chalk in schools?
no seat belts in cars?
and grannies homemade pasta (ha Mr. Fudd........you don't need to be Italian to make pasta ;)



Legend Member
Rochelle of Langtrees and grannies homemade pasta (ha Mr. Fudd........you don't need to be Italian to make pasta ;) R.xxxxxxxx[/QUOTE said:
But you have to be Italian to be pretentous about it


Legend Member
Anybody remember seeing those stamp vending machines outside some post offices??

I had to wait in the queue for about 15 minutes this morning just to buy a 45c stamp.



Gold Member
Hej Foxx,

Off Topic, but is there any work in NZ in Hospitality etc.
Is the situation really as bad as it is made out to be??
If you want to work and turn up every day would you get a job.
Need work for a couple of years. Enough to live on.



Gold Member
When was the last time you used an old pc so darn old, you need those really huge floppy disks just to start it up?
And took half an hour to load a game on a monochrome monitor (one colour - green or orange)?
When was the last time you make a phone call on your mobile, and it is a whole suitcase you have to carry?
When was the last time you drive on the freeway during peak hour and there wasn't a jam?

Microbee or TRS 80 Dem WASSS the days


Gold Member
When I was a pre school-err 1950ts many cars dragged a length of chain or rubber strap , Mum told me people thought it prevented car sickness Dad said it was silly.

It was supposed to get rid of static electricity by earthing the body.
They figured it was the static charge caused by air over the smooth flowing painted surfaces that caused Car Sickness.