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Ever been given something...


Legend Member
Perhaps a pink pokka dot tie from your loved one or a wooly jumper from Grandma, maybe even a back scratcher from a co worker.

Ever been given a gift and thought to yourself, "what the F... am I going to do with that?"

One of my brothers friends gave me a single battery once and I wondered just what I was meant to do with it.
And it was then that he explained, I want you to keep this battery close to you and when you feel down look at it and remember...

Just like life there is a positive and a negative side.

It was then that I realized what a beautiful gift it was.

Farm Boy

One of my brothers friends gave me a single battery once and I wondered just what I was meant to do with it.
And it was then that he explained, I want you to keep this battery close to you and when you feel down look at it and remember...Just like life there is a positive and a negative side.

Same thing with a cattle prod .


I'm bad with recieving gifts as often I don't like them and im quiet hard to buy for.

Received a rice cooker for my 18th from someone in their mid 30's. C'mon what 18yo guy wants or needs a rice cooker. Rubbish present but I'm left doing my usual "fantastic! Thanks, I was actually looking at these the other day would you believe" spiel so I don't come across as ungrateful.

Super corny and crazy reasons aside, at least batteries are a handy present :)


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
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Legend Member
To be honest I try to avoid gifts because I am so not good with receiving them....even when I like them. It has happened over the years that friends have surprised me with really nice gifts.Totally unexpected and very much to my taste. I have to admit that I lost 5 of those awesome little gifts and I don't even know how I did it and you can imagine how annoyed and angry and sad I was. Gifts don't need to be expensive to be appreciated.......I love gifts (lol more giving than receiving) which are personal and hit a spot. It shows somebody cares and goes through the hassle to understand you.



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Foundation Member
One year, for Mothers day, my power drill had burned out the previous day, so........yep, you guessed it, I bought another as a Mother Day's gift. When I gave it to my mother she looked surprised and I, stupidly, said that "it's the thought that counts".....


Later that year, it was my birthday and, to my horror, my mother gave me 3 pairs of pantyhose along with the comment....."it's the thought that counts".....suffice to say, I never pulled that stunt agin....lol :)

Fudd :)

buckland boy

Foundation Member
After visiting a w/l who was a regular she gave me a birthday present that I couldn't bring home and explain where I got it from. Wish I knew where she is now. Was such a great bird. Only to wish her the best though. We have all moved on.


If you ever do get a gift you don't like. Keep it for a decent length of time and then donate it to an opp shop. Opp shops are such noble causes, I'm a big believer of them.

I've friends who've received a big box of chocolates from others when they were dieting and the friend actually chided them without making too much of a drama of it. And then gave it away as a gift to someone else later.

Langtrees VIP Perth 2

I love gifts, but like Rochelle, I much prefer to give them than receive! While, of course it's nice to get given gifts because it shows that someone cares and was thinking of you, which is I suppose where the term 'it's the thought that counts' stems from? However, I've found that whenever someone uses that term, it is usually blatantly obvious that they have put absolutely no thought at all into the gift being given! So, tell me how that one makes sense? Lol!

Lisa xxx