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Does anyone agree with me?



Does anyone agree with me

Today we have places like LP's and other Swingers clubs where the clients pay a small fee. At these places it is known that people are going to them for a good time (amazing sex..!) and as many male friends have said "Why would we go to a Bordello when they are paying half the price of an hour for a whole night with multiple ladies?" Even this year Maryanne has opened such an establishment and this probably takes away some clients from Langtrees.

Other establishments are also competing with Swingers Clubs and the likes.

Also, look in the papers (een the Quokka) who all have pages of ads for private sex workers, etc. Now on TV you have phone sex ads and you can even send SMS's now.

Everything is becoming more modern. Look at the Chat Rooms and how lots of people have met through them.



The Ruler said:
In New Zealand, unlike Australia, over the past 5 years there has been a hugh trend towards uni students doing sex work and using the money to pay for education and deposits on homes, particularily in Auckland. The price for an hours sex at Femme Fatale in Auckland is only $ 180 per hour. On a Friday night this establishment with over 20 rooms has up to 50 women working of which probably 30 would be under 30 and would be students, young professionals, etc. This cleaning up of the industry has made sex work much more accepted by the general population, it is relatively cheap and more clients are using the service. The drug problems are much less obvious and prevelant than in Australia. The clients are all having a ball. The sex workers all provide an awesome service, And my two clients over in New Zealand have had their most profitable years ever...

The Ruler

The New Zealand model is a great one, and one that both Scarlet and SWAG would love to see implemented here. And on a personal level, so would I.

I think decriminalisation along the New Zealand model would be of huge benefit both to workers and to owners, as well as to clients. By removing sex-work provision from it's current (in this state) under-cover status, you free up the ability of people to choose it as a career option - that means (in theory anyway lol) that the quality of workers will rise, that a lot of pressure put on workers to offer more than they perhaps should will diminish, and that workers will not only be more aware of their rights, they'll actually have some lol.

However, we have a long way to go in this state I fear before we can really hope to achieve anything close to that. It's chicken and egg stuff - until workers are willing to be out about what they do, and demand to be treated with the respect that any other worker is treated with, until the industry is de-mystified and the general population has a better understanding of what place sex-work has and should have in our society, we're fighting a losing battle. And while Australia continues to ride on the coat-tails of the USA and its bigoted, short-sighted and inefficient approach to the whole issue for fear of offending them or of losing funding, we don't really have a hope in hell.

The problem is, of course, that many sex-workers ARE ashamed of what they do, and they would rather keep under the radar. I can hear the chorus of 'no we're not' from here, but you're kidding yourselves if you think I'm wrong - I encounter the same attitudes amongst bdsm'ers who fear what they might lose should people know what they're into, never realising that it's that fear that condemns them to continue to be marginalised.



maryanne said:
Lets be fair cumming is a private thing and if for argument you had taken spped where you can bonk all night but still not cum is this the lady fault?
If you have a cumming problem is this the ladies fault if she has put the effort in.And last but not least Is it neccessary to cum to enjoy the pleasure of sex?
Very valid argument there MA, I totally agree.
If you have a problem go see a GP they only cost $45 for half hour! LOL
I believe the Internet and Pornography has a lot to do with it, as a single guy I can get virtually free any porn I want, and meeting sexual partners is as easy as going online and spending a bit of time and effort chatting to people, there are a lot of randy people out there.

If only it was as easy to find something more permanent!

The Ruler

Does anyone agree with me

Sincere thanks for your posting Chrissie.

It is very obvious that the sucess in New Zealand is a result of the decriminalisation and change to attitudes over there. This change has made different women feel more comfortable with the industry and has enlarged the participation base. It is truly amazing to see the changes that this has resulted in...

The Ruler


chrissie said:
The New Zealand model is a great one, and one that both Scarlet and SWAG would love to see implemented here. And on a personal level, so would I.

I think decriminalisation along the New Zealand model would be of huge benefit both to workers and to owners, as well as to clients. By removing sex-work provision from it's current (in this state) under-cover status, you free up the ability of people to choose it as a career option - that means (in theory anyway lol) that the quality of workers will rise, that a lot of pressure put on workers to offer more than they perhaps should will diminish, and that workers will not only be more aware of their rights, they'll actually have some lol.

However, we have a long way to go in this state I fear before we can really hope to achieve anything close to that. It's chicken and egg stuff - until workers are willing to be out about what they do, and demand to be treated with the respect that any other worker is treated with, until the industry is de-mystified and the general population has a better understanding of what place sex-work has and should have in our society, we're fighting a losing battle. And while Australia continues to ride on the coat-tails of the USA and its bigoted, short-sighted and inefficient approach to the whole issue for fear of offending them or of losing funding, we don't really have a hope in hell.

The problem is, of course, that many sex-workers ARE ashamed of what they do, and they would rather keep under the radar. I can hear the chorus of 'no we're not' from here, but you're kidding yourselves if you think I'm wrong - I encounter the same attitudes amongst bdsm'ers who fear what they might lose should people know what they're into, never realising that it's that fear that condemns them to continue to be marginalised.

you are so right chrissie.--i have reading for the last hour on replys from all you girls and some guys-even --god --i have two girls and if they wanted to be girls of the night so to speak--it might make me rise a eye-brow-but thats all we would then talk about it==as long they new what they were getting into .-deep down i might not like it and would still love them just the same and hold my head up high .as for the cost that guy paid maybe he should buy himself a doll----yes i am not to proud say i have been to langtrees= even if it has been only the once not to long ago and was well looked after by all--you see i lost my better haft to cancer two years ago after looking after her for 14-1/2 years that she had it before went. so you see girls if you ejoy what you are doing go for it , i for one would not be ashamed to call you as friends and look out for anyone that trys to put you down. us older guy like compey to you know. ---- there had my say----- thanks-hilly


What can we do to help?

I've been doing some night work lately after my shift has finished. Talking to the gentlemen that are very shy to even introduce themselves to women. Most men find it very difficult to even get the courage to come through the door. When they are inside its very intimadating to see so many beautiful women. The girls do a good Job introducing themselves. But my suggestion after getting so many bookings for other girls would be to put a hostess on the floor to find out what the gentleman requires, if its the full service or more and what girl would suit him best. I know not everyman is every girls taste but if we pick and choose thats when most of our business goes out the door. It is too hard for a receptionist to talk to the clients and run the counter when it usually takes more than a few secounds to extract the information out of the client as what he would like in a service. I don't believe its anything to do with the fact that more women are sexually active because their is still a lot of single men out there that do not have the confidence to advance women. Also a lot of married men that do need to spice up there sex life or relieve the frustration that the wife only allows once now and again.


hi everyone

yes i do agree with you as i work at midland langtrees and to tell the truth i need to be paid for every job that i do as i need the money i dont mind the part of multiple sex partners as thats obvious to wot i do but not for nothing. sometimes we here at midland sit for ages for men to come in and we wonder where they all are, so maybe they all like the idea at L.P's. pity for us workers, anyway i have a few regulars that keeps me going lol :icon_boun


It's basically just evolution working. As has been said many times already women these days are almost as sexually open as most guys, hell i know some girls that would put your average guy to shame in libido stakes. The internet as well has opened a pandoras box for lonely men. Being able to chat up women online and pretty much get a guaranteed root takes away the need to go out and use a worker. Price is another thing, alot of guys these days don't see the need to fork out money for sex when they can go to any meat market nightclub in Perth and pick up for free. Lastly it is still looked down upon by alot of people, to use workers, so rather than risk copping a ribbing from ya mates it's better to leave it and just go home to ya hand lol. There's just too much choice out there these days and people are lazy and will stick to what's easiest and safest. I know alot of my mates used to use workers when we were in our early twenties. They wouldn't be caught dead doing it nowadays. Just the ease we can pick up at clubs and on the net has got rid of the need for paying for it. As James hetfield said, It's sad but true.