Do you ever feel short changed time wise?

Should we set our own alarms? And does the mandatory shower time count even though we may have showered before coming?

As mentioned in previous posts if you take a "weekly" shower at the start eg 10-20 minutes then well that would be considered part of the "Booking time" if said is the normal 5 minute one which most clients have then the time would start as soon as you towel dry and get on the bed.. if you are a miner or manual worker and are filthy why not shower at work or home then arrive into Langtrees nice and clean then that shower basically is to remove sweat and clean the private parts simple as...

The grey area is and has always been in this game is if said Client wants the lady to shower with him, confirm that at in the lounge as my take on this is if she chooses to join you in the shower then that would not be classed as Booking time. but as its a lounge based parlor you can discuss all this with said lady before you go to the room to essentially enjoy why you are there in 1st place.. Adult Entertainment and relaxation..

In fairness there were times I've short changed myself and bolted :-) Trouble is personal hygiene is a very subjective thing, some men are fastidious with cleanliness/personal presentation and some are way less so. Time is money to a working lady, waiting 15 minutes until a client is clean enough to shag should not be at her expense IMO. The clock starts when you enter the room not when you're clean enough to commence the dance.
In fairness there were times I've short changed myself and bolted :) Trouble is personal hygiene is a very subjective thing, some men are fastidious with cleanliness/personal presentation and some are way less so. Time is money to a working lady, waiting 15 minutes until a client is clean enough to shag should not be at her expense IMO. The clock starts when you enter the room not when you're clean enough to commence the dance.

In fairness there were times I've short changed myself and bolted :) Trouble is personal hygiene is a very subjective thing, some men are fastidious with cleanliness/personal presentation and some are way less so. Time is money to a working lady, waiting 15 minutes until a client is clean enough to shag should not be at her expense IMO. The clock starts when you enter the room not when you're clean enough to commence the dance.
What happens when she leave the room for 5 minutes?
A quick rinse off and soap down there should be all you need in the beginning, if you need more time for a more thorough shower then that counts towards the time.
There are also some clients who take a 10/15 minute shower at the end, which is a bit cheeky as the lady then risks getting in trouble for going over time!

You should be aware of your own hygiene needs, so you can make the most of your time.
Maybe they've gone for a second shot in the shower with the palm sisters :-)
My strategy at AMPs is to pay for a 30 minute sesh the first time to suss out the talent. It's such a roll of the dice when it comes to quality of service. If I like them and they deliver good service then I'll incrementally book longer sessions.

That way I'm rarely in a position to be shortchanged with time.
Or $14.66 if you book a private Asian lady. Not many people can justify $500 per hour.

There are a few who can.... even though the economy is slow there are some men who are cleaning up....
Hygiene is essential whether is its 5min or 15minutes to shower and get yourself clean. Its what you do with the remaining time left.

If you’ve chosen the right girl for you, then that $500 can feel like $5000 with the time that you have left because then she’s given you the experience that you want.

Focus what you want out of your session, get cleaned up, and then let the ladies do their magic.
Hygiene is essential whether is its 5min or 15minutes to shower and get yourself clean. Its what you do with the remaining time left.

If you’ve chosen the right girl for you, then that $500 can feel like $5000 with the time that you have left because then she’s given you the experience that you want.

Focus what you want out of your session, get cleaned up, and then let the ladies do their magic.

Have a good shower at home or your hotel room simples then at Langtrees its a simple 5 minute one...