I'm no longer married, so that is not a problem.
In many Asian countries where 'snakeheads' force girls into the sex industry, I would definitely feel guilty.
However, in Oz, with the welfare system, and the availability of jobs (even nitefill in Woolies if you are desperate enough), it is certainly a calculated choice - this 'job' against that 'job'.
Certainly, the ladies i have seen over the last few years have all clearly made this profession out of choice as they have all been very intelligent and capable ladies who could make a living in a variety of other industries if they wished.
The ability to handle a variety of people who call out of the blue and make an appointment is a skill that any big company would give a lot of money for.
That being said, I am always impressed when the door opens, and they get a good look at me and don't go :'eeuuu' and rush off to throw up !
So, great looks, great HR skills, strong stomachs, they would get a job anywhere - so I don't feel guilty at all.
Its a transaction between consenting adults.