
Gold Member
I often get a case of the guilts after visiting a WL. Sometimes I can't help but feel sorry for the WL having to see men she would find unatractive or not her type in such a personal manner. I guess I feel bad for her having to pleasure me.
Does anyone else ever feel this way?

steve t

Silver Member
Yes I have had all those feeling and more many times over the years,had to move on in the as it was getting to me..If u get the chance see the movie Shame,great flick showing at the Luna or soon to be on DVD.

Perth boy

Yes to all but This was when I would see a young girl. Now if I do punt I find it better to see someone a bit older (30 to 40) and that seams to help. Also the connection is far better.


I feel for anyone that has to deal directly with keeping other people happy and satisfied for a crust.

Sometimes it's fantastic and enjoyable but there are plenty of times when you've gotta bite the bullet and do what you need to do. That IMHO is getting more common in WA.


yes MaryAnne - probably unusual for this site but that is why I haven't done full service!>.. enjoy the touch and interaction though - feel you have contributed to the better image too..


Gold Member
Nice to know that I'm not alone. That my feelings are somewhat normal. I think the idea mentioned of seeing the more mature ladies makes sense for the more mature gentlemen.
For me the addiction is the excitement before. Seeing a beautiful girl naked. Feeling her and being intimate. But yes after the guilt sometimes ruines a nice night.


Legend Member
Wonder how this thread makes w/l feel?

For me yes and no. I dont feel guilty about them being in this industry as they have chosen to be here, its more feeling guilty over them having to see me lol Dont think any of them would pick me up in a nightclub or pub. But they should expect us "types" when considering whether to enter the industry or not.

If they are in this industry because they are desperate or forced into it then I feel umm "cheap" "dirty" booking them because it is not their choice to be here.


Yes I agree with Perth boy, I feel guilty doing it with younger WLs. And its really more comfortable if im with wls my age...and i feel a bit more guiltfree


Legend Member
The more mature lady and feeling more connected is probably(In my eyes) a life experience thing
Being with a more mature lady who has had a similar time to you on this planet has probably dealt with the same highs and lows as you Gives you, as others before have said a connection Many girls have only had the ups there is still a bit of depth of character to be found


All the talk about feeling guilty about the WL. For the married ones - do you feel guilty about the wife? marriage?

Farm Boy

Weak SOBs Pay up the asking rate tell them there the best thing since slice bread and you've possibly helped girls self esteem Sponsored a students, helped a single mom or assisted a married woman, penis driven philanthropy cant be wrong.


Legend Member
I'm no longer married, so that is not a problem.

In many Asian countries where 'snakeheads' force girls into the sex industry, I would definitely feel guilty.

However, in Oz, with the welfare system, and the availability of jobs (even nitefill in Woolies if you are desperate enough), it is certainly a calculated choice - this 'job' against that 'job'.

Certainly, the ladies i have seen over the last few years have all clearly made this profession out of choice as they have all been very intelligent and capable ladies who could make a living in a variety of other industries if they wished.

The ability to handle a variety of people who call out of the blue and make an appointment is a skill that any big company would give a lot of money for.

That being said, I am always impressed when the door opens, and they get a good look at me and don't go :'eeuuu' and rush off to throw up !

So, great looks, great HR skills, strong stomachs, they would get a job anywhere - so I don't feel guilty at all.

Its a transaction between consenting adults.



Head Veto.....
Staff member
Talking Turkey Moderator
Ahoy;- Feeling Guilty never......... for you who do;-----have a drink after your shag.
Now, screwing younger w/l, Arrrrrrr not a problem for an old Pirate like me, but, I really never perfer a 18/20 year old I always find them very boring. Hence mature W/L is always my taste.
Cheers lads and Pass the Rum


Legend Member
I must be the odd one out as ive never felt guilty, if i did id leave very quickly. While I pay for f/s I always ask the lady in advance what she does or doesn't want. Sometimes this results in me giving her a massage and a cuddle someone else might really want sex.

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Now this thread is making me feel a bit guilty. I never had this guilt as most the the time the chemistry at least alright. I take pleasure in the wl have a pleasant time as well. When I have a bad encounter though I usually just walk away with no bad words, reviews, or requests as she may have had a bad day at work which I imagine can be a lot worse than a conventional jobs day at work.

But yeah. Made me think beyond what I usually think.

Good thread :)


I feel guilty if I know that their lives are in total and utter disarray.


I don't know. But more often than not it seems something has or is currently going wrong.

I'm sure plenty are wildly successful.

Al Swearengen

I must be a real sociopath. I dont feel guilty at all. Free will. Everyone has it, especially in Australia.
Besides, all the WLs I've ever been with have enjoyed what they do. A lot. In fact, thats one of the things I look for. A girl with that look of despair in her eyes because shes been "forced into" prostitution is not what I'm looking for.



Legend Member
I am with you Al When I was married I never visited a W/L. But now its has been known to happen on the odd occasion or seven
But as a single guy what the hell have I got to be guilty about And I have only been with well self promoted private girls or Good establishments like LT's So there is no guilt for me whatsoever


Full Member
Foundation Member
I am with you Al When I was married I never visited a W/L. But now its has been known to happen on the odd occasion or seven. But as a single guy what the hell have I got to be guilty about And I have only been with well self promoted private girls or Good establishments like LT's So there is no guilt for me whatsoever

...ditto H2's post (with exception that I've never been married).... :)


Gold Member
After six years of no action at home, I had absolutely no guilt about being with a WL, although I made sure that I would see a WL who did it for the right reasons. So far, just about all the WLs I have seen (admittedly not many) have really enjoyed what they do and have been above average intelligence (and savvy). If anything, those WLs I have been with have been the strongest and most independent women I have encountered (take that, whinging feminazis), and I have admired them for it.


Gold Member
If anything, those WLs I have been with have been the strongest and most independent women I have encountered (take that, whinging feminazis), and I have admired them for it.

This! 100% this!

I best women I've known have been WL's. Seriously, and not only the ones I've been with personally. I've known working girls for years before I got into the game myself - and yes, they are strong and independent, they make great friends!


Legend Member
This! 100% this!

I best women I've known have been WL's. Seriously, and not only the ones I've been with personally. I've known working girls for years before I got into the game myself - and yes, they are strong and independent, they make great friends!

Yes, totally agree! Strong, confident, intelligent, fun, the list of attractive personal qualities with the best ladies is extensive. The most difficult decision is not whether to see a w/l but to force yourself not to extend the booking when your time is up :)


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Legend Member
Honestly........no need to feel guilty, guys.
It is a free world (well.....in limits) and nobody is forced to work in the industry at least not at LT and other well known establishments. So just come in and enjoy the experience.
Plus keep in mind that a w/l has a choice too. You might not be aware of it in the LT lounge when several ladies introducing themselves to you but if we don't feel comfortable with a client we can avoid the encounter without making it obvious and embarrassing.........ahhhh the tricks of the trade ;)


Al Swearengen

So thats why the girls at LTs all sit in a circle with their backs to me when I'm there??