What would put loads of people's minds at ease would be if someone kinda let on how long this is going to be the case, as if this is a long term lifestyle change, then even the well to do will run out of money, there mansions won't be worth crap, the mega billion $ companies listed on the stock markets will be worthless you could potentially buy BHP for a few bucks with a few mates, there won't be big enough prisons for all the crime that will happen, Women will get assaulted at home and killed in larger numbers, same as Children, and society itself will be in chaos.
The Media need to stop using terms like Could, Would, Should etc and use terms that are 100% positive no ambiguous to the extent that they are only driving fear into an already fearful situation. People don't mind sitting at home if they say until 1/5/2020 but not just sit there, and you can only go to Supermarket/Chemist and BWS... eventually people will walk out the door and go back to normality and think like all the other viruses out there well it's out there now we have to get on with it and live life because the longer we are at home the harder it will be to get things back to where they were before all this.. So people need a timeline.. NOT WOULD/SHOULD/COULD.
Leigh sales interviewing someone from Kalgoorlie Ironic that lady in kalgoorlie is sitting on one of the world's richest lands with one massive gold mine near here and the local hospital couldn't handle a few cases of CV19 time to KEEP all mining $$$ in Australia tell all the foreign companies to F off and mine it and keep all that money in Australia.
ATO figures show the amount of tax credits has risen, reigniting calls by some for a 10 per cent royalty to replace the petroleum resource rent tax (PPRT).
It's a story of two resource-rich countries with two very different ways of harnessing the wealth they are blessed with.
ATO data shows about one-third of large companies have once again failed to pay a cent of tax.
Time for our gutless leaders to change this. The mineral wealth stays in Australia if this can't change that mentality then we know where the real enemy is..