Discretion, Confidentiality and Privacy



I have been thinking about some issues that involve W/Ls concerning diescretion, confidentiality and privacy.

Some ladies mention that they pass on client details to other ladies. My concern with this is that a client gives his personal details to a lady to arrange a booking but at no stage does the client give permission for their details to be passed on to anyone else. These details would also include the clients username on the forum. Doesn't the client have any right to confidentiality??

Another thing is other people being present in a so called private apartment. How can it be private when there is other people in an adjacent room listening to every word that the client says. Leading someone to believe that they are in a private environment when they are not is a gross breach of privacy.

Also ladies commenting publically on the forum about clients they have not seen clearly shows that W/Ls are only too happy to blab confidential details to each other and have no conscience regarding discretion.

Claudia Michaels

These are very interesting issues you raise and it's something I often think about because there aren't any prescribed ethics for the industry. I definitely understand where you are coming from with your concerns, but I also think it's prudent to consider that our industry is different to others.

We deal with people on a very personal and physical level and that presents challenges that other industries don't face. There's risks with violence, theft, aggression and health. We also often don't have the capability of dealing with that in a normal way - ie by going to the police - because that risks a level of exposure for ourselves. So the only real support we have is each other. If I have a client who is problematic because he's overly aggressive or tries to steal or stalks me, of course I am going to warn other working ladies about him. Even a difficult client is something I might mention to other working ladies. Also, having another working lady in a private apartment is often a security measure. If the client is aware that there's another person in the apartment then surely it's his decision whether or not he wants to stay?

The other point to note is that our industry doesn't really operate in an organised fashion in the way that other industries do. Different working ladies offer different services and sometimes a client talks to or sees one lady but wants a different type of service and may be more suited to someone else. In those circumstances, I certainly ask the client first and ask the other lady first, without revealing any details, but I do try to arrange contact.

Doctors, lawyers, psychologists all share information within their own organisations legitimately and amongst each other unofficially. When you go to a doctor's surgery, every single person in that surgery can access your private information. Why would and should working ladies be any different? So long as no names are mentioned and the information is not used in a malicious sense then I don't see that any boundary has been crossed.

It is definitely a question of trust, but there does seem to be an underlying assumption in your post that working ladies aren't trustworthy, which is generally not the case. We have as much to lose from an exposure perspective as a client.

Tania Admin

I think it's a two way street, if a WL wants anonymity then the same respect should be shown to her Clients. It is a privacy industry, yes people will talk amongst their colleagues (this should only happen to a degree) but it should not be made public unless violence or a very bad experience is involved (though this should be handled carefully too). A doctor or a lawyer etc can find them selves in a very bad predicament if they go public, discretion is respect Plain and Simple.

Perth boy

I had a W/L discuss with me about a client that booked her for the full weekend. I was not interested but the funny thing was I new his father. Well his father is a high profile business man in Perth. I kept it to myself but if it got out all sorts of things would have happened including his wife knowing.
I have not returned to see that girl again because of that.

I dont like people that blabber or name drop. Dont know why people feel the need to do that.

I can understand W/L discussing not so good clients for saftey reasons or health.

Naughty Thoughts

Though I do see the point of view of the w/l, they have very few people they can openly discuss what goes on at work, so when they find someone that they can talk to, I guess they might end up gushing a bit more than is needful.

Still, need to be discrete...

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Though I do see the point of view of the w/l, they have very few people they can openly discuss what goes on at work, so when they find someone that they can talk to, I guess they might end up gushing a bit more than is needful.

Still, need to be discrete...

True it is that such an intense industry such as this can leave one very lonely when there are so few that can be confided in.


When you go to a doctor's surgery, every single person in that surgery can access your private information. Why would and should working ladies be any different?

It is definitely a question of trust, but there does seem to be an underlying assumption in your post that working ladies aren't trustworthy, which is generally not the case. We have as much to lose from an exposure perspective as a client.

In a doctors surgery you know and understand that all the staff there have access to your personal information but with a private independant lady a client has no idea who she associates with.

I'm not saying all working ladies are untrustworhty, it's just been my experience that a few private ladies aren't being as discreet as they should be.


True it is that such an intense industry such as this can leave one very lonely when there are so few that can be confided in.

So very true.

I have nothing to hide when I visit a w/l. But thats just me. I've never had a problem opening up to them and some girls are just as open to me and some girls aren't.
It's amazing what some girls are prepared to reveal about themselves and the industry. Sometimes its stuff you don't really want to hear. I think it all adds to the experience.


Legend Member
Ok, we all agree that a W/ls as well as the customers life should be kept private but what about those that are rich and famous? How much privacy should we give those that know they will constantly be watched such as the Royals or by those that make money by constantly trying to be in the public eye such as Bec and Lleyton Hewitt??


In a doctors surgery you know and understand that all the staff there have access to your personal information but with a private independant lady a client has no idea who she associates with.

Medical and health care staff's education and training includes privacy policies and duty of care to the client. I doubt most sex workers learn this, (except for in other jobs/studies they may have undertaken). Though that is not to say it always is or isn't adhered to in either case!!