Darker Side of STIs that are life threatning | Talkin Sex Episode - 11


Langtrees Digital Chat Team
Legend Member
Talkin Sex Episode - 11 - Darker Side of STIs that are life threatning

Today's Narrator - Judy Novak
Today's show is hosted by Mary-Kenworthy along with the folloiwng Doctors and specialists - Dr. Jenny McCloskey - Seaxual Health Specailist Royal Perth Hospital, Dr. lewis marshall Sexual Health Specialist Fremantle Hospital, Gary Sattell WA Aids Council.
We cannot ofcourse forget about Trev and very sexy Brigitte.


Check the episode for some insights on STIs
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Sally Sexting

Sexting Queen - Fun & Flirty
Legend Member
It's pretty interesting to see why doctors often choose injections instead of tablets! One of the main reasons is that injections work much faster. When you get an injection, the medicine goes straight into your bloodstream, so you feel the effects almost immediately. In contrast, tablets need to be digested first, which takes a bit longer. Knowing this can help you understand why your doctor might opt for an injection in certain situations, especially when quick relief is really important!

Must watch this. Very informative