:laughing1Hahahah...:laughing4 LOL! ROLF!!!:laughing3
Whoops, Sorry, I am definately NOT laughing about your important and serious enquiry about this delicate issue...
I just saw the humour in Barbie 'being a wholesome-all-woman' that I am sure she is, rattling off all those skincare products that us ladies 'just know about' and your response was so candidly a Male "What The!!?" (please excuse the stereotying)HAHAHAHAH I am still ROLF even after re-reading it!!! Again, no harm intended. :icon_thum
I did have a 'back to reality' question to ask you...
... Has this darkened area been there most of your adult life or is it something new?
As a Latina girl, and having seen a latin crutch or 2 amongst other predominantly dark featured nationalities. It may also be... just a natural trait. In this case, bleaching/fading is usually just a hassel, but still worth a try.
If its natural... It's yours! Keep it!! Show it off more so you become comfortable with how erotic really is! (Just like people having dark nipple fetishes)
And the Chaffing issue, I have to agree that it may add to any skin colours discolouration over time. So those fandangled creams n potions would be the go. Unless of course you learn to walk on your hands. LOL