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Curious...RE Cheating..



Up until a few months ago, my visits with a WL have usually started with me saying "I would like to do xyz but no actual intercourse because it was the one thing I wanted kept sacred with my wife". I had many visits like this over many months. I've crossed the boundary now and to be honest don't know how I feel about it. Anyway I am curious if there are others who have a boundary.....

....and the crowd goes silent (''freak!!) lol

Farm Boy

Well yes COLBBonehundredandtwentythree there quite a fare few little things my co sex fein's get up to that while am happy it makes them happy I am not happy to join in with.


Forum & Langtrees.com Administrator
Staff member
Legend Member
.......and you are not the only one who has boundaries and want to keep certain things for the special one..........


I'm kinda guilty too..have the same situation..set boundaries but have crossed it..and I don't feel guilty about it besides no one will ever know till you get caught...lol:la:


Foundation Member
Well, it is all very well to rationalise it but the "Bill Clinton Defence" didn't do its inventor much good, did it?


I come across w clients shivering and telling me they are feeling guilty for their partners as they visit me for the 1st time and i always say 1st your here for a service, just like any other service 2nd you are paying me with a sum of money and lastly, I am just another career woman who is making sure that there are no strings attached and all are in the name of service for your fantasy to come true!


TransIya how eloquently put.

Many of my regular clients, particularly those who have been married for some time, are starved of physical affection and in particular sex. Yes in the eyes of the law it is cheating. Though wouldn't all parties concerned rather broken vows over broken hearts?


During long relationships I've punted. Sex, physical attention and love have always been great at home but unfortunately I get bored very quickly.

Rather than ruin what I've got I figure if I see a professional every so often it removes that problem and things at home are even better and I've never been interested in cheating with other girls in public. Is it cheating? Of course but it's something that I can live (i know what im like!) with and know one needs to know.


If I hadn't worked in the sex industry most of my adult life I'd probably not be so open minded, because I don't equate a man paying a prostitute as cheating.


Diamond Member
seeing a sex worker is cheating even though there is no emotional attachment involved.
i can not believe anyone would try and pretend it is not cheating.