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Council worker 'accepted brothels' bribes


Well-Known Member
"A former local council worker who accepted more than $130,000 in bribes from illegal brothel operators......"

To read the full story, the link is below:

The link is broken, so taken down

Looks like he accepted cash and cheques. I'm sure he received the other "perks" aswell. :laughing4:la:

Hmmm, I wonder if it's any of the punters lurking on these forums lol :police::nono:
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I am SHOCKED a council worker taking bribes....NO!!!!!

Councillors are nothing more than people who never really achieved anything too great in their own lives and feel the need to make them selves think they are important...In my experience with them they are all not the brightest people in the business community, dont really care about the community and like to line there own (or some relation with a business they can tender jobs too) pockets, have there own agenda and ................... I better leave it there in case the new laws come in and I have to bribe one to allow me work in a industrial area somewhere whoop whoop


Well-Known Member
I am SHOCKED a council worker taking bribes....NO!!!!!

Councillors are nothing more than people who never really achieved anything too great in their own lives and feel the need to make them selves think they are important...In my experience with them they are all not the brightest people in the business community, dont really care about the community and like to line there own (or some relation with a business they can tender jobs too) pockets, have there own agenda and ................... I better leave it there in case the new laws come in and I have to bribe one to allow me work in a industrial area somewhere whoop whoop

Well then, I guess you ladies need to go 'bribe' some politicians. ahem maybe not bribe but 'educate' them on why your services are required! :laughing4


lol...dont worry the idea was tossed around about seducing hte attorney general and getting it all on camera...with a WL...how bewtiful would that be...but of course we have better morals than that.......:laughing4


Well-Known Member
lol...dont worry the idea was tossed around about seducing hte attorney general and getting it all on camera...with a WL...how bewtiful would that be...but of course we have better morals than that.......:laughing4

LOL, yes if playing nice and 'seducing' them doesn't work, then you gotta up the stakes and 'blackmail' them. That should do the trick. :ky:


yes becuase them accepting us as human beings with rights, good people offering a good community service rather then treating us like filthy whores who are nothing but crimanls, victims with no self respect or moral fibre....is way too hard for them..............:violent5: