
Absolutely, completely nerve wracking but that was the moment my life changed. The industry has taught me so much and built me up so much as a person, I wouldn’t be this strong if I wasn’t to have joined the industry and dealt with what come with it

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Talking Turkey Moderator
Mine was in Auckland, a massage spa place just applied for a job. He was a fat real estate agent. Nice guy. Whats the most popular 4 letter word in a brothel? NEXT. What impressed me the most is they let me smoke there cigarettes instead of boyfriend bumming them of me.


Head Veto.....
Staff member
Talking Turkey Moderator
Mine was in "Stuart Street" Adelaide, a little cottage brothel.
I was greeted at the door by a lovely mature women, she took my money but was sweet and kind to me. Who knew that day would change my life as far as women, relationships and punting. I was only 16 but very grateful to a lovely women who was sweet to me. My only regret is I cannot remember her name.
Now if you know anything of Adelaide, you will know that Stuart street is now "prime real estate", if you never knew the history of the street you would never know.

Sophie South

Mine was in a brothel in NZ. I still remember what he was wearing - thongs, stubbies, and a flannel shirt over a wifebeater. Late 40s / early 50s Caucasian male.

It was my first shift, and I'd been on the floor for less than half an hour; I was quite flustered but went in quickly before I could second-guess myself or anything else. It mostly went well despite some risky requests he made in the beginning, which were knocked back with a cheeky grin. He didn't realise I'd put the condom on him with my mouth until he saw me pulling it off him at the end! I still laugh to myself about this sometimes because I'll never forget the look(s) on his face (smugness, then horror, then disgust, then regret, then acceptance, then guilt, in the space of about five seconds).

After some time to reflect upon it, I'm 90% certain he was sent in by the boss of the establishment to gauge what I'd be like. Either way, I left at the end of my shift with a month's rent and a five-mile smile. :smuggrin:

Chloe Kind

Chloe Kind
Silver Member
Mine was at a brothel in Perth. I walked in the door and he was already waiting for me in the room He was a lovely Asian guy in his early 30's. Ended up being one of my long time regulars of 3 years at that place even despite me being so nervous and unsure of what I was doing that first time!


Cara Valence

My first client was a private booking at my place. He'd just been out running and because I was so new I didn't think to ask him to shower so he was sweaty and smelly. He also bargained my rate down with a sob story about taking his kids out to dinner. He could obviously smell the newbie! We went at it on the living room floor, he finished quickly and he still had time so I offered him a massage where he proceeded to press me for my real name (I still gave him a fake one) and blub about what a mistake he was making and what was he doing here, he was married, blah blah. Couldn't wait to get rid of him but I learnt a hell of a lot!

Jason Todd

Silver Member
I can remember the first booking I ever made with a WL like it was yesterday. Such a nerve racking but amazing experience.

I was 21, just finished night shift at crown casino & just got a call about being accepted into the navy so I was kinda celebrating. I had never paid for sex before so I thought, why not use all of my tips for the night and go somewhere more expensive (thinking it'd be better quality, which it was).

Her name was Elle, she was about 35. I was nervous, very nervous. So I told her straight up, "I have no idea what to do, it's my first time in an establishment" so she put me at ease, I got in the shower & after a few minutes she joined me, she took control & the rest as they say is history.

I then spent 7 years in the navy visiting many different brothels, I'd always do my research & make sure they weren't dodgy (the stories I could tell about navy guys and brothels make my stomach turn.)
After a while though, I settled mostly on massage places. Turns out what I really wanted most of the time was to just relax & maybe get a little fun ending.