Brothel intimidating private WL out of town!



Just a word of warning to any ladies travelling to the lismore area for private work or at the brothel for that matter
The brothels don't like any competition & will make dummy bookings then call the motel... the manager said I'm fine to stay overnight ..half an hour later.. He rings back, now i was warned about this from a client the previous night that they think they own the place , we have a bit of a conversation I try to negotiate with him & he tells me it is the brothel & they will call the police if he doesn't ask me to move on as its a licensed motel in a residentual area he apologises and fully refunds my accomodation.
So I'm left out in a new town to find alternative accomodation which I do!
Makes you wonder how they treat their workers with the power trip they are on, been in this industry for quite a long time & have travelled to more remote places than lismore & have never had to deal with such intimidation!!
I will be speaking with Both SWOP & respect about this situation first thing Monday morning .
And here I was wondering why I was the only Advertisement that wasn't affiliated with a brothel ..I see why!
Any advice appreciated
I will be sleeping with my pepper spray close tonight!!


Head Veto.....
Staff member
Talking Turkey Moderator
Ahoy, I am sorry to hear you had such a bad stay, my advice, do not bother there are plenty of towns and citys. Cheers and all the best in all you do.


Gold Member
Stories like these always makes me remember a very wise gentleman in a WA northern coastal town who always said..... "never try and shut out new businesses that trade in the same commodity as yours does......... competition is good and is good for the community." He died a few years ago, but his vision was spot on. This town has prospered well........ anyone know which one I am talking about?

Sorry to hear of your time Lexi....... time to visit the West maybe???!!!!

Master Yoda

“Your path you must decide.”
Legend Member
Well there are good and integral operators in every industry. But
Opposing the GOOD people there is the DARK SIDE.

Usually there are droids under the instruction of their master to maximise profits no matter what or else. They will carry out dog acts that hurt other operators of the industry.

Then there are plenty of people of industry with hearts of angels that make life better for others.

But hey the good the evil and the otherwise all balance out. Like attracts like and the like minded will gravitate towards each other.

But yeah......... when an establishment does such a thing out in the open it just shows how desperate and needy they are. Makes people not wanna go there.


Thanks Gents , I'm on my third hotel since Friday, WOW .. I have never come across such rude hotel managers in a short amount of time! Its very odd the motels are visably very short of business right now.
THANKFULLY all my clients have been absolutely lovely! Infact not one has even visited the brothel due to their reputation.
Some odd people here that's for sure, too close to nimbin me thinks ;)