I work in a large building with about 800 people in it, mostly women and there are some attractive people around my age, but they are well and truly taken. I probably run, swim, surf (when I'm near the coast) or go to the gym for about 2 hours a day on average so I'm not exactly blobby, but it amazes me the hot women that have blobby partners and at work I hear their woes about their males with low sex function. I mean of course if the guy is 40ish and has poor circulation or is on some meds with ED side effects then he's really gonna struggle. One woman who's 43 asked me the other day, she said is it normal for a guy to lose interest in sex after 40? Did you just lose your interest? And I said, well I sure haven't and I'm nearly 53, but I mentally and physically prepare for sex every day, even though it's highly unlikely that I'll be getting any. Because, the last thing you want is for the opportunity to suddenly be presented and think Crap! my body just isn't ready for this!! or my personal grooming has been left in the 70's or I'll need eight showers and an industrial steamer to rid myself of excess cologne and last nights beer and KFC. I actually think there's a lot of people that still think that sex is something that you do a few times when you're a teenager for fun or, make babies and that's all. There's a guy at work who's 38 and he's told me that he's too old for that now. He said he gave it a go a while ago and he just collapsed on her after a few minutes and he sweated too much. He said it was too much like hard work! If guys are functioning like this, it's no wonder that the lust look isn't going to be taken seriously!