are "asian" private workers destroying the industry?


Gold Member
I just want to hear some views on this as I am hearing of more and more Asian privates operating with more then the legal limit of women allowed to work in a residential unregistered premises. As I had to evict a tenant out of a rental property I own that is across the road of a primary school because the seemingly clean 52 year old gentleman. Was just a front for 6 women working out of it luckily I was tipped off and resolved the issue immediately before the property achieved too much of a name.It goes to show the people running these setups are destroying a good name that proper establishments and professional private workers have strived to achieve and also undercut western workers with incredibly cheaper prices by comparison . If men want these low cost and low quality services with asian women then they should go to thailand for a week and stop supporting it here and prevent the organisers bringing these women in from other countries for there own agenda and profits.