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A Poem I found many years ago,,No author

Mrs Langtrees

Owner & Creator
Foundation Member
I have always liked this poem and feel that many of us hide behind words just like this.I know I have done so many times in my life......Mary-Anne

The simple words I love you have the power to set me free, but as poets wrote so long ago what will be will be.

And as fate seems so against our love, and fate we cannot change I'll find another love, although it may seem strange.

Perhaps I’m being silly I don't quite know for sure, you may still feel the love for me that you felt before.

But just in case you say goodbye, I'll put on a show, so great but deep inside I’ll hide the deep deep pain, because you I'll never hate.


Pleasure and Pain

I have no words to describe how I feel after reading that poem - and yet I shall try and probably use lots of words to do so! :p

It describes my last truly meaningful relationship so exactly that it's sent me into a whirlwind of half-forgotten memories, as well as the pleasure and pain those memories bring...

How is it that everything we've ever felt has been felt before and has been written about with more eloquence and more depth than certainly I could ever hope to pen? Ahhh, to be so poetic, to be able to express the depth of emotion so beautifully...

Thankyou Maryanne
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Sally Sexting

Sexting Queen - Fun & Flirty
Legend Member
My Favorite one and I really follow this.
Good Better Best
Never Be at Rest
Till your good is better and your better is BEST💌

Sally Sexting

Sexting Queen - Fun & Flirty
Legend Member
We all should remember this.
I had a Penny and a Friend.
I lend my Penny to my Friend.
I ask the Penny from Friend.
I lost my Penny and my Friend.

So true 💥

Sally Sexting

Sexting Queen - Fun & Flirty
Legend Member
Their are many words that cause tears to eye but the sades one is to say good bye. what say?

Sally Sexting

Sexting Queen - Fun & Flirty
Legend Member
Haha A new one just came in my mind

To work Hard and to get fucked harder
is my Passion
for which I don't require any Ration😋

Sally Sexting

Sexting Queen - Fun & Flirty
Legend Member
Never adore a rich friend
Never Ignore a poor friend
For a friend is a friend
So love him/her till the END😍

Sally Sexting

Sexting Queen - Fun & Flirty
Legend Member
My own thought....just wanna share. Please do let me know, how is it?
Fragrance cannot come from paper flowers Truth cannot be hidden with the frame of lie
It’s truth that lie may look good for certain time but yes truth has its own way with pride

Sally Sexting

Sexting Queen - Fun & Flirty
Legend Member
Never feel bad or left alone, when people judge you wrong when you know you are not. Just chill...
I know it’s easy to say but tough to face...
Take a long breath and say to your self, people did spare God after doing so many miracles.
After all I am just a human and it’s human nature to criticise.....
They can never see people getting success. And it is so true🥰

Sally Sexting

Sexting Queen - Fun & Flirty
Legend Member
It says that this world is a stage and we all are the performers. We act, we pretend but trust me it has no end. It goes on and on. If not you someone else but it goes with no referee no bells.