Known as "The Spiderman"Wank in your palm and have bets of where you can fling it at...
Well that’s just a bit creepy
Well that’s just a bit creepyHmmm Women don't have this function... Women could practice this:
Pained by her own period blood!
View attachment 93436
LmaoWater sports, and see if your ejaculate can fly that far... BUT I can see your lady being able to pee 1.5 m...
hahaWank in your palm and have bets of where you can fling it at...
i seem to be dumb.... explain please
i seem to be dumb.... explain pleaseHmmm Women don't have this function... Women could practice this:
Pained by her own period blood!
View attachment 93436
loads of ideas in wanking i seeWank from a height of say 1.6 meters have her below you with her legs open or assume some pozzie and see if you can hit her vagina, face , mouth etc..
Isn't that the web slinger?
Isn't that the web slinger?Wank in your palm and have bets of where you can fling it at...