• We are overhauling this forum and this will take two weeks to complete. Everything will be moderated once I get the settings done. Moderation will take 24 hours at least during this time.
  • Have over 200 messages to reply to this will take time guys I am t allowing into the private forum if you have membership on langtrees.com and have done one review and one Blog post, Reviews must be honest. If you get or have my phone number it is much quicker to have a 3 minute call as I can dtype and talk at the same time. The response is awesone so expect a great result in two weeks Ians new artwok is awesome.


  1. Wademan80

    Its juzt ol FCC me

    I'm s keen follower of the ladies and men of the night
  2. Marnie

    Who is going to win the big lottery this week?

    Since I was born, my parents have bought a lotto ticket each week. When I was 16 they won enough to take the family on a month long holiday to Europe, it was an amazing trip but the money wasn't life changing, like a triple figure win could be. Since then, when I can, I've bought a ticket, I'm...