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womens health

  1. T

    ..Historical Events

    I'm always interested in learning about our World History so thought I would start this thread about What Happened Today in History. Please feel free to add things on the day.
  2. M

    Looking after your body in the sex industry

    I have been in and out of the sex industry for a number of years and thought I might share my views on how to look afters one's self . When a WL first enters the sex industry, it's hard for them to know how many shifts to do per week and for how long before taking a break. Anyone can burn...
  3. Sherry

    Would you consider vaginal rejuvenation?

    Apparently the number of women seeking genital cosmetic surgery (GCS) is increasing. With so many surgical options available it seems more women are seeking to undergo a "vaginal rejuvenation". There are several procedures that come under the term GCS. They include: Labiaplasty – This...
  4. Sally Sexting

    This is what i feel

    "Forget health clinics and gyms. Sex is the best cure. One good night of sex and your problems are gone."
  5. T

    Why Cholesterol Matters for Women

    Ah, cholesterol and triglycerides. We hear about them all the time. Even foods that might seem good for you on the surface, like fruit-filled yogurt or bran muffins, can contribute to abnormal levels if they contain too much saturated fat or refined sugar, says Erin Michos, M.D., associate...
  6. Harlots_Bec

    Menstrual Cups

    Today I finally bit the bullet & bought a set of menstrual cups. I have seen these advertised in different places & I have read many articles on the benefits. So here we go..... wish me luck, lol! Any feedback from anyone who has tried them before positive or negative will be appreciated!
  7. Vineta Sexting

    Woman Who Gave Birth to the Most Number of Kids

    You’d be forgiven for assuming that there was nothing much to do with your time in 18th Century Russia. If you were Mrs. Valentina Vassilyeva, you filled up your time by having as many kids as you can — 69, to be more precise. That 69-baby total consisted of 16 pairs of twins, 7 sets of...
  8. asianguy77

    Breast Cancer

    Know anyone who had breast cancer or has been through it themselves? Any stories or anything they can share regarding coping with it whether it be themselves or their partner
  9. Imogen Rae

    Ladies - Birth Control?! What's the best?

    My DP injection is soon to be worn off and I'm after new birth control as that one made me feel premenstrual majority of the 3 months. What's trending at the moment to stop babies forming? HELP ME LADIES!!! :oops:
  10. Phoebe

    Domestic violence against women

    63 Women have died this year so far from the hands of a male partner or male family friend, 3 women so far in NSW have died, What has to be done here? So that this number is like life deaths at work 0 Zero per year. What a shame that women can't even feel safe at home these days, or being...
  11. TheCock

    Female viagra

    Good news!! Link not working so taken down
  12. M

    7 Techniques for women achieving orgasm

    By Betty Dobson Link is broken so it has been taken down posted on Link is broken so it has been taken down Preface: I have no reservations about teaching women to use an electric vibrator, especially if she's never had an orgasm. The strong, consistent stimulation from these massage...