women empowerment

  1. Phoebe

    International Women's day 2025.

    To all the wonderful women out there, thank you.
  2. Phoebe

    What about this one. Fined for mentioned the victims but..

    The perps get free internet, colour TV, Gym , free dental etc etc. https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/news-life/letusspeak-new-bill-will-prevent-jill-meagher-eurydice-dixon-from-ever-being-named-again/news-story/bdecd8cb7ecbebcee34b1836527ddea6 This is shocking.
  3. Phoebe

    Is it a Woman's fault she is born Stunning.

    Was talking to a few ladies I know over here in Europe, and the topic got to Stunningly beautiful women, and how people think life is easier if you are beautiful and female.. and also how men view beautiful women.. : Is it a woman's fault she is beautiful ? and is it her fault she dresses...
  4. N

    🦉 Inspirational quotes & words of wisdom 🦉

  5. Phoebe

    RIP. The Poor Mother and 3 kids

    https://www.news.com.au/national/queensland/news/is-it-an-instance-of-a-husband-being-driven-too-far-anger-over-comment-from-police-in-brisbane/news-story/84c497606511b13dee815e2d354960d5 Time for women to fight back, demand to have guns like American women do, After all we have : Washrooms...
  6. Phoebe

    Female Rule

    With all this crap on this planet today, 99% caused by yes you guessed right men... Who here thinks Women should rule the planet in all aspects. I am all for it. Women to rule I say yes that. I vote 1 for Total Female Rule!
  7. Candice Cruz

    Bra Wars

    https://www.primevideo.com/detail/Bra-Wars/0MAVPPA0C0B8363W31YAM1MZNG “The item of clothing, which mainly shapes the image of females today, is the bra. A bra is a phantasm, a promise of what is underneath. Hollywood's dream factory knew how to profit from this promise. They created individual...