• Need two more Forum Moderators for Talkin Turkey Private Forum It will be 10 minutes a day when you log in PM @HappyPirate if you are interested to know more. You must not be afflilated to any one agency or AMP
  • Today we start moving & merging threads to make your viewing of Talkin Sex much better, we will also do a bit of retitling to make good threads esier to find. 423 Members thru to Talkin Turkey lets make that 500 by the end of the day guys xxx


  1. B

    The time has come to ban marijuana!

    I purposely made the title of the thread as such to attract attention to it. Hopefully people will be mature enough to see this. But I do have to say the following article in the West Australian does get me thinking. There is now increased evidence to show that many, many people who are into...