• Forum has been down for 2 hours. Kate Fuc..UP and we had to reboot from the 4am save. Everything today has been lost.


  1. HappyPirate

    Let us discuss, Upskirt, the trend the Law

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Upskirt#Australia Upskirt From Wikipedia Upskirting is the practice of taking non-consensual photographs under a person's skirt or Kilt, capturing an image of the crotch area, underwear and sometimes genitalia . An upskirt is a photograph, video, or illustration...
  2. Iamhavesomefun

    The thrill of upskirts

    That exciting moment when you catch a glimpse of a little something as that skirt or dress rides up. Or looking up at the right moment when a skirt wearing lady is walking up a set of stairs. Am I alone with these perverse thoughts?