• Need two more Forum Moderators for Talkin Turkey Private Forum It will be 10 minutes a day when you log in PM @HappyPirate if you are interested to know more. You must not be afflilated to any one agency or AMP
  • Today we start moving & merging threads to make your viewing of Talkin Sex much better, we will also do a bit of retitling to make good threads esier to find. 423 Members thru to Talkin Turkey lets make that 500 by the end of the day guys xxx


  1. Mrs Langtrees

    Former Langtrees Ladies

    This lady is all real search tin eye and you will come up as a model and private in london she is now with langtrees VIP Perth for a few months. She is intelligent, genourous warm and I say after her first night one of the best I have had the privelage to work with over the last 40 years. Mila...
  2. T

    ..Historical Events

    I'm always interested in learning about our World History so thought I would start this thread about What Happened Today in History. Please feel free to add things on the day.
  3. Phoebe

    Funny Twitter feeds

  4. Harlots_Bec

    Scarlet Blue twitter account suspended

    Add on from earlier chat regarding Scarlet Blue selling out
  5. Miss Monique


    Well I thought I should catch up with the times and join Twitter. Now this a platform that is completely forum to me. So please help a damsel in distress and tell me who to use and who to follow. Planning some interstate tours for 2020
  6. Mrs Langtrees

    Twitter - add some new followers

    add yourself to the list with a copy link so we can see a tweet with pics plz
  7. Mrs Langtrees

    Did you Know you can Twitter from the Forum

    If you have twitter add your twitter ID in your profile go to the bottom of a post hit the little birdie and you get 2 for one works for Facebook as well plus others I haven't even heard of.
  8. K

    If you were offered $500,000 to release a sex tape of you, would you???

    'If you were offered $500,000 to release a sex tape of you, would you?' I just seen the above question on Twitter and thought this would be a great question to ask the forum given the diversity of the members!! Whether your male/female, have worked in the adult industry or not would you for...
  9. Langtrees_darwin_twitter.jpg


    Langtrees VIP Darwin Branding 2019
  10. Mrs Langtrees

    What do you think of my Artwork for Twitter?

    What do you think of my Artwork for Twitter? Are you on Twitter? If so post your @name and i will follow mine is @MrsLangtrees