trans perth

  1. Phoebe

    To help out those that love Trans*

    Some Sites to help folks out.*
  2. Turtle

    TS Nina Manduah Has anyone seen Nina recently, any feedback thanks
  3. PunPunWren

    Luisa Bianchi TS

    Has anyone got any intel on this one?
  4. Max23

    Ladyboy Arin

    Hi all, just saw her on EnB and thought I might ask if anyone has seen her.
  5. Gahgah Galah

    TS Bowie - first time in Perth? Looks good, smooth body and silky hair. I am hoping to try over next few days unless I get some negative reviews
  6. rannison

    Valkyrie Acid

    Has anyone seen this beauty? I've seen her on e&b and she has a twitter page and looks really hot. If anyone has seen her would love to hear about your experience. Seems like she is quite selective with her clients.
  7. thirsty

    Trans Banbam Has anyone seen this young lady. Apologies if there is already intel out there. Not sure about a deposit. Not my thing. Any intel would be appreciated.
  8. thirsty

    TS Anikar East Perth

    Link is not working so it has been removed Has anyone seen Anikar in East Perth. There may be some post(s) already. Any info would be great.
  9. AdamSimpson

    Ts Sage - irish, real or OF?

    Anyone seen? I've msgd past 2 days to no reply... might be just trying to get OF followers like some others out there
  10. sigoureyw

    Who is the best Trans for 1st timer (She on top)

    Was thinking to tick the box on my list but not sure who is the best option at the moment, money will come second looking for a good 1st time experience. please give me some guidance!
  11. tsloverperth

    A real modal body, friendly, classy, hot , trans would like to visit perth soon.....

    She was wondering would her trip from brisbane to perth be worth her while. Feel free to send her txt directly from the ad below if you have a business, or quid pro quo proposal or leave some comments or messages of support HERE Thanks guys n gals Link is broken so has been taken down
  12. W

    Trans mistress Perth

    Any reviews, HAWT!!!