• Forum has been down for 2 hours. Kate Fuc..UP and we had to reboot from the 4am save. Everything today has been lost.


  1. Shiraz181

    I've discovered that I'm sexually diverse!

    Who'd have thought that! So what does that mean? I'd like to encourage people to join this conversation because I'm sure I'm not alone. I love women, I have what you'd call a roaming eye, but the sight of a beautiful or attractive woman or even a part or a woman supercharges my desire. It...
  2. mat.powerr

    Favourite items in the bedroom

    Hi all, What is your favourite “item” in the bedroom? Is it a costume, a special type of vibrator, cock ring, handcuffs, but plug, toys, food, body paint, whip cream etc..? What is your fantasy? What really turns you on? Like to hear from both WL and punters
  3. M

    We need toys🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  4. B

    Where can I sell my toys?

    I need new ones anyway so does anyone know where I can sell my toys? If not I’ll just throw them out.
  5. Harlots

    Toys.....Toys......Toys..and some Non Toys!!

  6. J

    Toys for Couples

    How do you feel about using toys in the bedroom with your partner? Any funny stories, tips or advice for people just starting to try them out? Or the best ones to use/buy? Check out the links below if you aren't interested in introducing toys in your sex life...
  7. Phoebe

    One for the ladies

  8. Langtrees VIP Darwin

    Sexy Land | Australia's Premier Shop| Stuart Park NT - Darwin

    http://www.sexyland.com.au/ I took my ladies to this amazing place tonight. The staff were very helpful and the shop was so full of things i have never seen before in my life. Was planning on running in but with the variety of stock, half hour later and still hadn't finished my tour. I could...