
  1. Gina

    Sex and Age - Does It Matter? - Talkin Sex Episode - 12

    Talkin Sex Episode - 12 - Sex and Age - Does It Matter? Today's Narrator - Judy Novak Host of the Show - Bob Maumill - Radio Personality Panel Members - Mary-Anne Kenworthy, Charmine Saunders and Kate Orr Clinical Psychologist share their views and understanding about sex among Senior Citizens...
  2. Sally Sexting

    Rude News Brought to you by FHM Australia EPISODE 1 - 5

    The Stranges place where you had sex 🤷‍♀️ https://www.talkinsex.com/media/rude-news-ep-01-mp4.85/
  3. Logan VIP Perth

    Porn Bloopers!

  4. Logan VIP Perth

    Female Ejaculation

    Just came across this interesting read and thought I would share it! https://noshameinsex.com/discovery/female-ejaculation-learning-to-squirt/
  5. Rosie Nuru

    Stupid question

    Weird to be asking this but...... Can you buy a big mac from maccas at 0730? McHappy day tomorrow and I want to have two for breakfast before work! Sorry for the plugging but I like helping sick children and their families stay close in such times! Cheers xx
  6. Sherry

    Woman says she was banned from ASOS because she is a sex worker

    I read this article today about a woman in the UK claiming she had her account with online retailer ASOS cancelled after they found out she was a sex worker via her Twitter account. Check out the article...
  7. P

    Merged Rosters

    Hi all, I tried Connie in Vic Park a few weeks ago. Unfortunately I can't recall now which website I got her details from but I suspect it was likely BC. The photo in the ad isn't her, but... she is still reasonably good looking. Fairly slim, nice soft skin, decent body. I'm no adonis by...
  8. I

    Love the way u lie

    I am here to do fun.kindly message me if anyone interested.