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  1. AndyRew00

    Australian Researchers - Suicide is Preventable

    Suicide is preventable, yet, sadly, 2,500 Australians die by suicide every year and more than 60,000 make an attempt. An historic meeting of local and international experts, clinicians, community health services, workplaces and people personally affected by suicide resulted in a unanimous...
  2. AndyRew00

    Rage Rage Rage - against the dying of the Light

    For those who need a heavy dose of motivation, are under the influence of a void or a 'life trough' and need some persuasion to get up and fight! LIFELINE AUSTRALIA 13 11 14 Website: https://www.lifeline.org.au
  3. MrJwhite

    Why do People Suicide?

    What is it that drives people to end their life? A marriage breakdown? A unhappy working life? A rejection? A betrayal? Financial difficulties? What point does someone decide, That Death is a better option? So that the Soul Can be free of suffering.