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  1. Wooper

    Wooper Tales | Another tale from Woopers | Genitals

    So shared ages ago how when I moved to Perth I matched with a 19 year old Asian girl who’s was incredibly hot and had an amazing bod and the sex was great but eventually lost touch but did a Facebook stalk later on and seen she got married like 9 months later. So was taking a break this week...
  2. Wooper

    Story time

    Pretty sure I shared this awhile back but either way when I moved here I was about 25 and I matched with an asian girl pretty sure she was Phillipines but I’m bad at telling apart lol, and she was super fun lots of sex into facials swallowing and just a real sex fiend, ended up a few times...
  3. asianguy77

    Most painful heartbreak?

    What was your most painful heart break? Was it your first love or what reason made it your most painful
  4. Harlots_Bec

    The Statue of Imperia

    The statue represents a satire of the clerical morals, where Imperia seduces cardinals and princes at the Council of Constance and has power over them all. The story of Imperia was based on the life of an Italian courtesan who died in 1512.
  5. M

    What's your Story..?

    When you get ready for bae and he leaves you waiting like WHAT the @$%#