side effects

  1. Vineta Sexting

    9 Side Effects of Too Much Caffeine 1.Anxiety 2.Insomnia 3.Digestive Issues 4.Muscle Breakdown 5.Addiction 6.High Blood Pressure 7.Rapid Heart Rate 8.Fatigue 9.Frequent Urination And Urgency
  2. Madam Jacqui

    Has Botox gone too far??

  3. Shae Demasi

    Bizzare plastic surgery trends

    I'm not usually one for superficial media, however on this occasion curiosity got the better of me -
  4. M


    This is probably now an old chestnut but have there been further advances regarding the safer use of this drug? I know of friends who go to Asian countries like Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, etc, to buy fairly large supplies and I keep warning them of the potentially fatal side effects. Has...