safe & unsafe sex issues

  1. Sally

    Rude News Brought to you by FHM Australia EPISODE 1 - 5

    The Stranges place where you had sex 🤷‍♀️
  2. T

    Sex Practices & Others Things You Are Glad Don't Happen

    Way back before my working time, it was pull-out, swallow or use a sponge to collect "his excitement " for WL's. @Mrs Langtrees made a huge push for the industry to use condoms and thank goodness the majority are clever enough to do so. What things are you glad don't happen anymore or have...
  3. Sexty8

    Important NEW Information: Another Reason To Always Practice Safe Sex

    (Sorry if it breaks rules @Mrs Langtrees , please remove if required, thought it was relevant to this forum especially) condoms will be even more popular now after Chinese men had their sperm tested after recovering...
  4. R

    COVID 19 impact

    Covid19 imposed tough times on everyone everywhere and with the financial impact resulted by measures taken to reduce exposure, with people self isolating and panic buying...Sex work is going to take a big impact if not already. People may refrain from visiting working ladies and working ladies...
  5. Caroline

    Is sex during menstruation safe ?

    There is a risk of infection when having oral, anal, or vaginal sex, or any form of skin-to-skin genital contact — even during menstruation. There are two types of infection that may occur due to sexual activity: STIs and problems caused by changes in normal vaginal flora, such as yeast...
  6. D

    Dental Dams for safe sex?!

    Ladies and gents, what do you think about Dental Dams regarding health and safe sex? Have you experienced it? Does it give you the same pleasure? I'm curious about your opinions :)
  7. J

    Anal Stimulation for Guys

    This one is for the guys (although girls can add their input and/or any experiences they have had). Do you enjoy anal stimulation? There seems to be a fair amount of controversy/stigma around this topic, with the main issues I find being homophobia and masculinity. Some men are weird about...
  8. Cayla Cream

    Natural Environmentally Friendly Condoms

    Natural Environmentally Friendly Condoms
  9. T

    Effectiveness of condoms.

    . Sex using a condom may still spread an infection if the condom does not fully cover the infected area. For example, some infections such as pubic lice, scabies, genital warts and herpes are spread by close skin-to-skin contact. Condoms provide some protection against these STIs...
  10. N

    How do people get HIV?

    It may be a pointless question that how people get HIV... I know that having sex with infected person can cause HIV...But this question comes again and again in my mind that how will sex worker (give both natural and unnatural services) come to know that the person is infected or not as we all...
  11. John Smithl

    Unsafe sex services: DATY, CBJ and STI risk

    Hi All, I've said hi on the newbie thread and this is my first post... I understand that safe sex is rightly promoted for everyone's health and wellbeing. I'd like to open up the topic (pun not necessarily intended) to discuss DATY and STI risk. Is it a double standard that DATY is offered...
  12. brocker

    STI from hand relief?

    Hi, I'm curious if anyone out there has had a confirmed case of Herpes, Chlamydia, or Gonorrhea from a hand job? I think I may have after an experience on Thursday. Makes me question things!
  13. HappyPirate

    Untreated STD Worst Case Scenarios

    Chlamydia , Gonorrhea , Hepatitis , Herpes , HIV , STDs , Syphilis by Kristena Ducre, July 2015 As adults we need to keep reminding ourselves why it is a good idea to wear a condom. I am not here to give you lectures on...
  14. computing

    Please No Links To Ladies Offering Natural Services

    Natural service include but not limited to: natural sex, natural BJ, and Natural HJ!
  15. asianboy

    Condom broke during sex

    So I was recently going at it hard with a WL that ive seen multiple times and when we were done and we realised the condom had broke. What are the odds of catching an STI from cases like this? She is a semi high end WL and definitely looks clean. Of course we both jumped in the shower...
  16. Mrs Langtrees

    It still amazes me

    Every day we have new clients calling up for Natural Sex....after 35years it still amazes me that some people are so stupid.....
  17. L


    Hi. All my problems began after I had unprotected sex. Few months later I had to go for annual tests, where i found that my pap test came out abnormal, my first ever. My general practitioner said it was vaginal dryness and I got an ointment with estrogen. I had a repeat pap 6 weeks later and...
  18. jamesbond007

    tried and true remedies that help prevent/treat STI's

    Im not at all encouraging protected sex, but can attest to these remedies may work well with first hand knowledge/experience if something happens like a condom breaks etc Iodine Excellent all-round antiseptic and anti-fungal, best is lugols iodine, but povidone iodine will do if nothing else...
  19. Mrs Langtrees

    Breaking News STI Tests will not be covered by Medicare after the 1st of July

    I have just been told federal cuts have taken free STI tests out of FREE Medicare. Firstly ladies get your test done before the 1st of July. I don't know if this will effect the FREE Clinics I ask all members to help find out and post on this thread.
  20. E

    Lump & Bumps - The big differences between maintenance cuts & STIs?

    Hey guys! As a new girl to the industry I often find it hard to differ between random nicks & cuts or a real problem downstairs - When should the line be drawn? When in doubt chuck them out right?? What are the tell tale signs to tell the difference?
  21. E

    Clients & Kissing - What's safe & comfortable for you??

    Heya ladies! I'm curious to know how far girls will go when it comes to getting intimate as far as kissing goes? Tongue? No tongue? What's the risk as far as STI's go when it comes to kissing on the mouth?? What's a polite way to turn a client down if you aren't interested in a kiss? How do you...
  22. C

    HIV from an encounter

    I heard today that sadly, a Perth man is now HIV+ after an unprotected sex encounter with a Sydney trans sex worker ( or at least allegedly so). Guys, (and girls), all of us must be responsible (as must our partners in sex) and not engage in unprotected sex. Its a lot of fun but its not worth...
  23. Cayla Cream

    FEMALE Oral?? Yes / No and how to..................

    Female Oral?? Yes / No and how to..............
  24. U

    Likelihood of catching hiv

    What's the statistical likely hood of a guy catching hiv off a hiv+ woman from one unprotected sex encounter? I
  25. S


    You should never feel pressured to have unprotected sex! Even though some girls do, particularly in the Asian establishments and private workers but it is not worth it! Even if a client offers you extra money, don't do it! Think about what value you put on your health! In most instances the sex...
  26. Miss Chloe

    Safe sex advice for massage?...

    Hey all :) This is a question aimed at W/L's but everyone is welcome to share their advice! Help me out here; I love to give a nice, oily massage and sexy body slide. However! As we should all know, condoms and oil do not mix well. So I am finding myself only giving massages at the end of the...
  27. Langtrees VIP Darwin

    What's your favourite and funniest safe sex banner?

    Mary-Anne wants to know what you forum members find effective and funny in Safe Sex Banners?
  28. Alexis Lily

    STI's! - Identification Information for Working Ladies that cant read by the book!

    Chantelle James & myself are sitting around trying to work out how to impress Mary-Anne with wonderful, super informative posts.. Which has lead us to starting this thread. ;) Earlier today, I failed my first job at health check. The lovely @Asha Amor second opinion my health check and agreed...
  29. Mrs Langtrees

    Getting a STI Test HOW:WHEN:WHY

    Getting an STI test An STI test is to check if you have a sexually transmitted infection (STI). It is quick and painless. It also gives you a chance to ask questions about other aspects of sexual health. It's really...
  30. A

    Unsafe Sex Practises happening in High Class Australian Parlors also

    Its happening not only in Asian parlours though. I used to work at "one of the most popular" brothels/escort agencies in Sydney that was specialising in getting great European/Caucasian ladies, and once I was told to do a booking that included natural french, when i refused i was told that if i...