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  1. Harlots_Bec

    Why no one really dates anymore..............

    Have you noticed that no one really goes on dates anymore? When was the last time you really went on a proper date? https://www.bolde.com/why-dont-people-go-dates-anymore/
  2. N

    🦉 Inspirational quotes & words of wisdom 🦉

  3. Katrina Kiss

    Why Do Guys Never Want To Take You On Dates?

    Ever time I start dating someone they never want to put effort in to take you on dates ,but they say they want a relationship, what is this about ? So confused. I though guys would love to do nice things with you. But always have excuses and blame you for your behaviour . Is this someone just...
  4. TantraShiva

    Industry girls getting married

    W/l, if you are single will you tell your partner you were an escort if you are getting married or keep it a secret?
  5. asianguy77

    Most painful heartbreak?

    What was your most painful heart break? Was it your first love or what reason made it your most painful
  6. asianguy77

    Do you believe in the No Contact rule after breakup?

    After a relationship breakup , do you believe in following the No Contact Rule? Therefore, no contact whether it be through text, calling, stalking the other person on facebook for a specific amount of time, whether it be 30 days, 60 days or 90 days? Does it matter if you are the dumper or dumpee?
  7. B


    The thread about married men (people lets face it women do as well) seeking extra marital sex or relationships has made for some facinating reading. It does in my mind raise an interesting question what is cheating ? assume all the following are done with out your partners knowledge...
  8. S

    Looking forBDSM and More

    bdsm and more hey everyone, i thought i would try out this forum and give it a crack and see if anyone is interested in any bdsm activities, mixed wrestling, facesitting etc.. 24/m/melb - seeking a female with any simular interests
  9. M


    girl likes to play with my bum while i eat her! but she wont let me play with hers?
  10. O

    How can I make a man feel sexually secure and still get what I want?

    I never posted a question before but I’ve found these forums to be quite useful at times and I was hoping my question could be answered. I am a 28 year old female I am very comfortable with my sexuality and enjoy sex. I have noticed that my sexual security seems to make men uncomfortable...
  11. S

    Vagina smell

    Hi Mary Anne I hope I don't take too much of your time. A client has recently said that I smell down there, so the second and third time I saw him he mentioned it again, even though I WASHED DOWN THERE IN FRONT OF HIM FOR A GOOD FEW MINUTES in the shower. Should I take this as offensive? Am...
  12. W

    females cum turning to foam ???

    hi all well i dont realy know how to explan this but here go`s. after having a mind blowing 3 hour sex romp. well it was time for me to cum so for about 10 mins myself and the female i was with just masterbated togeter me wanking over her pussy and she rubbing her pussy and using vib real...
  13. SubNymphet

    Failure to Orgasm!!! HELP!

    Just hoping to get a little advice from the ladies out there, I'm 19yo, fairly healthy and have been sexually active for about 4 years, with a fair number of sexual partners ranging from ok to absolutely amazing in bed... :hello: now, don't get me wrong, I enjoy sex, and can't get enough...
  14. M

    emrgency contraception, broken condom??

    What is Emergency Contraception? Emergency contraception is used to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex or failed contraception. You are at risk of pregnancy if: You had intercourse and didn’t use any form of birth control or barrier method Your condom broke, slipped or leaked...
  15. M

    Another question from talkinsex.com from Ahnny-mouse

    This message I gather is from a male judging by the content. Any advice from members appreciated. Whether I am masturbating or with my partner - in reaching my final orgasm I push and strain hard to get there and end up with feces on the sheets, in the shower or on the floor. What's...
  16. M

    Question from webprincess on talkinsex re orgasm

    Question from webprincess on talkinsex re orgasm I am 29 and have had several sexual partners in the past. I am now married and have been for the past 5 years but, my problem is that I don't believe I have ever experienced an orgasm...I enjoy sex but I don't think I enjoy it to the fullest...