• Forum has been down for 2 hours. Kate Fuc..UP and we had to reboot from the 4am save. Everything today has been lost.


  1. DT4eva

    What should she whisper in your ear to let you know she’s randy?

    Image source - google
  2. Aaron

    Hey Members/Clients Need your Help - Poll

    Hello everyone! Mary-Anne and myself had a debate about Mobile numbers and landlines the other day and I thought what’s the best way to solve the problem? Ask our amazing members! When calling a Brothel would you prefer a Mobile or a Landline? Comment below.
  3. westy

    merged threads old not worth reading

    I know all about the "new policy " of no porn on this site. But it does seem weird that there is a forum dedicated to weight loss (admirable) but a blackout on porn. I for one miss LANA'S posts which brightened things when the going was slow. I say bring it back in it's own forum. A "SPECIAL "...
  4. A

    POLL: Do you have a type???

    Ok i know i am mentioning only few, out of many more, But do cast your vote and if your type is not here please please let me know.