Right now as of 10 minutes ago in Perth's major brothels
There are 210 Escorts on there websites ok some are there to make up numbers some are away etc.. but the number of profiles is 210 .
The population of Perth is approx 2.4 Million folks
49.7 % of...
I got lost in the system and even today after reregistering I had to cast a special vote . Needed to do early as I am in New Zealand next week.
Who is going to vote next week?
Maria Mendez a beautiful Brazalian Aussie, photos are 10 years old but this lady is pure class.
Gee members & staff are not observant or never use the home page.
I changed the public forums around today and added them in groups to make viewing easier & quicker for all and no one has noticed not even Kate xxx
Are KTV still popular? I was thinking of one for a birthday party.
Can you add me a link or two to the popular KTV clubs that are available in perth please.
Friday the 14th March Snacks provided, just a little get together to help teach you more how to use the forum better and to say hello.
All members are welcome maximum of 50 people so add your name to this post if interested you can confirm 2 days before xxx
a couple attended that bought this picture and a video with them. This was a painting by a Happy haven lady over 35 years ago. I think it is priceless and thank my guests for allowing us to copy it and show it to the world
The greed has set in again with some ladies refusing clients a good time or also refusing to see thenm if they are not paying for extras.We are th highest priced brothel in Australia ladies, we allow honest extra's. We do not ask our ladies to do anything that they don;t like, but I will step on...
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I am looking forward to being on Reception Langtree VIP Perth I have beeen in this role at 316, and Caseys over the last 10 years, learning how to use the computer. I have some funny stories to tell and hope to make some friends on Talkin Sex
We have been working on the brothels and massage patlours they are sorted into Suburb foirst in thread title, this way we can merge info together easier.
Will be another two days until perfect
What I need to know do we do the same for Private escorts or do we sort by name first suburb seconf
Madams are missing out on money by using old ways.
We are finding over 75% of the AMP Madams and Aussie Madams do not have an understanding of the power of the internet, These madams will trial behind the...
This was Lana's forst Blog. Lana has been with Langtrees VIP for years and has moved up to the full time bookeeper & Minister of Fiance xxx
Lana was also the creator of https://www.talkinsex.com/forums/lanas-xxx-porn.631/ which is...
A first blog by Roxy Kaye
These are members that joined Talkinsex.com in 2004 to 2006. You have all been added to Talkin Turkey Private Board.I was surprised how many were still using the forum regularly. I will get @Ian IT to mark your membership a Darker Blue so I can see on the members online.
Thank You for your...
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