May I introduce everyone to a great film recommended to me by a WL I used to frequent.
Titled “Hysteria” it is a romantic comedy based on the true historical invention of the vibrator thought to be able to relieve women of hysteria.
Quite a different Hong Kong movie on SBS the other night. It was a comedy spoof of the Japanese AV porn industry but with a reversal of roles, ie men became the submissive characters which caused a sensation in the industry. Its worth keeping an eye out if you follow the Japanese AV and cosplay...
To all the members of India forum. It's time for some cinema. A great movie to watch this week. If you have already seen it give your honest feedback or if you haven't, what are you waiting for go watch it and then give your feedback.
A short summary of the movie for you all - A...
Scarlet Road, although it's a few years old now. It is still definitely relevant today. For a long time disabled adults and sex didn't really go together. But work like Scarlet Road and Rachel Wotton have been trying to remove the stigma.
What I would love to hear is if any gorgeous WL...