• Need two more Forum Moderators for Talkin Turkey Private Forum It will be 10 minutes a day when you log in PM @HappyPirate if you are interested to know more. You must not be afflilated to any one agency or AMP
  • Today we start moving & merging threads to make your viewing of Talkin Sex much better, we will also do a bit of retitling to make good threads esier to find. 423 Members thru to Talkin Turkey lets make that 500 by the end of the day guys xxx

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  1. Mrs Langtrees

    Kendo saved the day

    He sent me the link to the forum upside down and I fixed it in 2 minutes. I had ascending instead of descending, which will probably happen again. I am a cenre brain person often referred to as dyslexic and alwys get my right & left mixed up.
  2. Mrs Langtrees

    Blogging for Babes 101 by Jess "Pink Graphiics

    Jess is part of artwork Team at langtrees.com this is her first Blog. Very helpful advice for sex workers & madams. https://au.langtrees.com/blog-details/blogging-for-babes-101-blogging-help
  3. Mrs Langtrees

    Tech Tangles in the World of Asian Mamasans and Madams. 亚洲妈妈桑和女老板的技术纠缠 by Master Yoda

    Tech Tangles in the World of Asian Mamasans and Madams. 亚洲妈妈桑和女老板的技术纠缠 https://au.langtrees.com/blog-details/tech-tangles-in-the-world-of-asian-mamasans-and-madams