Need two more Forum Moderators for Talkin Turkey Private Forum It will be 10 minutes a day when you log in PM @HappyPirate if you are interested to know more. You must not be afflilated to any one agency or AMP
Today we start moving & merging threads to make your viewing of Talkin Sex much better, we will also do a bit of retitling to make good threads esier to find. 423 Members thru to Talkin Turkey lets make that 500 by the end of the day guys xxx
Greetings all,
I was recently viewing ABC IVIEW and came across an Insight episode, Sex and Disability.
It's an interesting watch if you have a spare hour....some great discussions in this important area. My hat's off to all involved, especially the fine service providers who provide these...
I came across these awesome Cork Light's on eBay. I initially ordered them so I could place lovely bottles with them in Langtrees Darwin but now I'm using them at home.
They are great. They set off a nice tone of light and are much safer than candles.
They aren't too pricey either.
Question from Joshua talkinsex re intimacy
My partner and I have a great relationship all apart from the intimacy component. We have been together 8 years and she has never had an orgasm. Trying to find a sexual therapist in Perth is proving difficult! Help!
Mary Anne PA
cause and effect
sex education
talkin sex