I just came to know about this and thought of sharing it with you guys
Cumin Benefits
Risks and side effects
Cumin (Cuminum cyminum L) is a leafy plant that grows low to the ground in China, India, the Middle East, and the Mediterranean region. The fruit of...
Hey guys!
As a new girl to the industry I often find it hard to differ between random nicks & cuts or a real problem downstairs - When should the line be drawn? When in doubt chuck them out right?? What are the tell tale signs to tell the difference?
Ella Jade
differences between
maintenance cuts & stis
safe & unsafe sex issues
talkin sex
Something I have come across with my time working within the sex industry is the abundance of men out there that ask for blow jobs and sex Bareback. Why is this? and do you punters out there get regular sexual health check ups? and please add anything that you would like on the topic of Barebacking
safe & unsafe sex issues
sex education
talkin sex
I am just curious why when we ask respectfully a lady if we could have a medical we often face so much resistance? :arghh::arghh::arghh:
I just had to do my annual check for Diabetes (family history) , Blood, HIV, Herpes, Hep A & Hep B & Hep C, Sugar & all sorts of other stuff one has to...